Unfortuate event

This past week, I’ve had some pretty bad shit happen. I’ll list them. Yes they are my fault, except for one. I wont deny the fact that I didn’t do it. Today however, something happened that made me changed my perspective a LOT. Let’s see now this week i’ve had…

  1. drove car into ditch and rammed concrete waterway bridge, bent crossmember
  2. hit a curb, no damage
  3. Hit another car, need new bumper and rear signal light, but that’s past…
  4. This morning at 5’ish, I got a ticket. I was driving with another 350z owner after having a meal at a restaurant. We were going 80 on a 60, went by a cop. Cop decides to pull us over. The outcome? Careless Driving ticket.

Before the ticket, even with those 3 misfortunate events, I was happy in life. I had a car, I had friends, I had freedom, I could do whatever I wanted and life’s morale was just working out for me even though my life isn’t perfect. But witnessing such bias and prejudice this morning was like a ticking bomb that finally exploded inside me. I had no clue that this world could still be so ****ing biased and stereotypical or even RACIST (he treated me worse than my friend who was Romanian). If I can open up to differences between people and stereotypes, why can’t the ****ing authories do that? Honestly, I believe that people who are biased, prejudiced, and stereotypical should be prosecuted as an act of crime.

6 demerit points with this ticket + 6 demerit points from the ticket in the other thread (not sure what’s going on with the lawyer) = 12 out of 15 points. what a ridiculous bullshit.

Honestly, is there a way to get back at the cop for being so biased and racist as well? OMVOC, where do I sign up?

ohh man thats f$#ked …fight tha ticket…and try 2 be safer on the road!

I’m speechless… so best of luck with everything, hopefully something bends your way.

it seems kind of odd that they would charge you with careless driving if you were just doing 80 in a 60 zone, were you guys doing something else ie. drifting/swerving between cars, etc.?

Did you and your friend both get careless or only you?

If you both got it, then how did he treat you differently?

was it snowing outside when you two were driving?

i don’t understand, you were speeding 20 over and he gave you a careless driving ticket? wtf… were you doing anything that could make sense for that charge? otherwise that’s just ****ing bullshit

I’m confused as well. Was your friend in the car with you. or was he in another car and you were BOTH pulled over? If you were both in the same car and you got a ticket for going 80 in a 60, the cop definitely was out of line. That’s a 2-3 demerit point ticket, nothing else.

If you and your friend were in different cars and he pulled you both over, and you got that ticket and he got off easier, that’s also inappropriate… but how is it racist?

Just trying to get some more info on the situation, but it sure does sound like you were mistreated, and I’m sorry to hear that if that was the case.

No, I was simply following him. Not tailgating either, we were just driving together.

We both got careless. But as for treating me differently. I asked the officer(black) what was the problem? He said “Don’t be an idiot, there’s no racing here”. The first phrase offended me quite a lot because I didnt know what I did and he has no right to call me an idiot. But I asked my friend if he got treated like that too, he said “no, he was actually nice to me”

Nope, dry as a bone, my buddy’s still on summer tires with 500whp

That’s pretty much it. 20 over. two 350z’s. young guys. “ok, let’s give them careless”

Two separate cars. Both 350Z. Both modified. Driving together. Both of us got careless ticket.
It’s racist because the cop treated me more inappropriately than he did to my friend.

PM sent dude, reply when you get the chance!



in that case, that is pretty unfortunate. i suppose the officer might have be prejudice towards your age or ethnicity, but it’s not like you could argue those points in court (no evidence). it would be his word against yours and as much as it sucks, i’m sure the JP would side with the officer in cases like this.

either way, obviously you’re going to fight this (probably with that lawyer you’re using for your other tickets) because if you get convicted for careless driving, you’re going to get ass raped by insurance for the next 3 years.

Well, that really is unfortunate, and it does sound like you were treated unfairly, so I do sympathize with you. However, although he may have not treated you as well as your friend, you can’t pull out the racial card for that one. He never slurred, and you both got identical tickets.

Again, I agree with you in that you were mistreated, but you gotta be careful how you throw around the term “racism.”

well, another factor might be that David has 7 warnings and several tickets on his record already…I hate to put a damper on things David (and sounding like a nagging parent), but you really need to start driving more carefully.