accident, is trinituner, wrong or rite ???????

ayte guys here is the lowdown. i was comming back from lunch at work at homedepot, (sherway) newayz for the etobicoke guyz u would know this there is an entrance from the queensway before northqueen to enter the home depot bestbuy etc… parking lot, now i was turning into the road and a woman was comming out tof the lot she was in the lot i was inthe main parking lot road, she emerged without looking on my side mainly cause she couldnt see me due to the frigging fence bush they have, she emerged out i sunddenly lock up my breaks cause i was gonna hit, her, welll i did, no major dammage to my car except paint scratches, on my bumper, her front wheel (toyota) minivan the wheel was bent in, i belive the controle arm or tie rod broke or something, :? newayz what i wanna know who is wrong here?? me or her
reason y is cause no cops came to the scene, the woman husban came few minutes later, i overheard him saying the his wife is wrong :? :lol: but yea i would like some opinions

Parking lots are usually equal fault as seen by the poopoo

yeah, no fault…

chances are nothing will happen.

if they try to get you to pay for it you tell themyou dont speak english anymore… say it in english to, that’ll piss’em right off.

phone conversation

“yeah… uhm hmm… ok sure really!? no way, you’re insane… how much ?!? yeah well uhm I just forgot how to speak english so uhm yeah later.”


Ya, even if u call the police they wont come on private property (at least they wont give u a ticket or cant take sides)

She can always call her insurance company though (not gonna be worth it if her deductible is like $500 since the repair might be cheaper)

It is a parking lot and considered 50/50. However, she is technically at fault since she was supposed to look out for ppl coming on that main “road” and i dont think she will have a case if she tries to go after you for loot.

any roadway traffic has right-of-way over any exits or driveway traffic merging into it

I find this “right” is a problem for many people turning “left” where you have no traffic lights…

and if they shoot out in front of you and you wanna piss them off move forward so you lock them into the traffic lane and then honk at them haha, actually honk first so they see you and stop…