k, soooo, a few weeks ago, my lil’ brother was a complete idiot, and drove home from a party, got the car stuck, and blew 200 over with a G-2 liscence, is there anything he can do to help himself out? he was polite to the officer, didn’t put up a fuss, or anything, just wanna help him out cause we were gonna “possibly” be giving him a company vehicle, but we wont put a breathalizer machine in a company truck, any ideas?

There isn’t much you can do for driving drunk. It’s just pure stupidity, no offense to him being your brother, but it was stupid - I’m sure you can agree with that. In most cases it could be possible jail time.

I wouldn’t consider giving him a company vehicle at this stage, or any at that.

Drinking and driving is the dumbest thing you can do. Let this be a lesson to him. Give him a few years to learn his lesson. There is no “quick fix” to stuff like this.

I know he is your brother and all but NEVER mix friendship/family with business.

Put it this way, if he wasn’t your brother and you knew about his DUI charge, would you still provide him with a company vehicle?

i agree fully, dumbest thing he could do, now he’s messed up royally for 2 years, plus another 4 or whatever it is for his insurance after that. just trying to lessen the blow for him. and mark, this is a family bussiness, my father’s an electrician, as am i, as is he, well, apprentice anyways, and no one’s coming down on him harder than the old man. just wonderin’ if he can get through this easier somehow, like, he’s stopped drinking, never really partied to begin with. i just feel bad for the kid, he was thinkin’ bout becoming OPP also, so this can really mess that up. and yes. if he was responsible, i would provide him with a vehicle, only at work though :wink:

Almost any sort of suspension/conviction will completely screw up any sort of job involving a vehicle. No company insurance will insure someone with a suspended license, let along DUI on their record.

best bet is to check the report for anything that doesnt jive ? that could be a way to get it dropped, but that a long shot. the other one is too try to get ahold of the officer who charged him and see if anything can get done, given his work situation, they might be able to give him a suspended charge , that being for a period of time ( usually 3yrs ) he would need to drive with a zero alcohol level. This was done with a friend of mine back in london and he had the charges dropped after 3yrs of clean driving. but if he gets caught with an alcohol in his system , they will throw the book at him


your bro is fucked. As he should not be drinking with his G2. He should lose his licence for a few years, that will show him how stupid it was for doing that.

Your brother shouldn’t drive ever again. Drinking and driving puts other people at serious risk of death. If your brother wants to kill himself, then cool, but he shouldn’t risk taking other innocent people down with him.

He can take the bus.

especially being a g2 driver. are there no parents or gardians keeping track of kids theis days?

get a good lawyer and fight it everyone makes mistakes if its his first dui offense he will likly get a much lesser charge
ps smack him up side the head

I agree with Mr. K. There are a lot of innocent people that can get hurt…

Parents are lazy these days, and nobody likes to take responsibility for their own actions.

“Grand Theft Auto made me kill Billy, amirite?”

I’m shocked that people don’t punch out their friends if they know they’re going to drive drunk. If you NEED to go home so bad, you shouldn’t be drinking, and if you don’t need to go home so bad, then you shouldn’t be driving. Pick one of the two.

It always seems to happen that the guy driving drunk walks away from an accident but the other people get completely fucked up or die. I had a e-friend who disappeared off the face of the earth for about a year. I later found out that he got t-boned by a drunk guy driving a raised jeep (DOUBLE KEWL) and basically the bumper hit him right in the side of the head. He was incredibly lucky to be alive, let alone ever play a fucking video game again. Instead of him it could have been some little kid who may have been mangled for life.

i agree with you guys fully, but it’s just strange cause he’s always been against this type of thing. i couldn’t believe it when he told me.

he’s 19, old enough to be an adult, don’t think he’s my parents responsibility anymore.

anyways, i was just hoping someone might know a way for a lesser punishment for his sake. keeping in mind that up north, there is really no way to get around without a vehicle.

G2 has those new strict guidlines

Charles Burguois - Laywer in Vaughn/king somewhere up there got me off mine, back in 2002? but I blew a 0.082 after 2 hours and 0.090 after 2 hours 30 minutes.

So you brother got “driving under the influence”? which is worse than “blood alcohol over 80mg”, or did he get both?

Does the 80mg law not apply with G2?

lesser punishment = laywer + plea bargain

i’ll have to ask him tomorrow, see what he says it was. i know he got a fine for open alcohol, or transporting it, and no, he wasn’t drinking it, it was just leftovers from the party

We all agree that it was a stupid thing to do.
That being said. My friend who has his AZ and obviously needs it for work got a DUI a couple years back. He hired a good lawyer and got a pardon.
Now it did cost him $10,000. so be prepared to pay that. I think it would actually work out cheaper to pay that then pay the insurance for 5-6 years.

people Always Leave Your Empties Behind If You Plan On Taking The Last Couple Bottles From A Case Home - Especially If You Have Had Any Drinks