impaired operation of vehicle ...

i was just wondering, s. 253(a) impaired operation of motor vehicle is a d.u.i. correct?
is that a automatic lic. suspension? will the mto and insurance know… and how long will it take for them to find out?

Did you get a fine or a court date?

yes its a dui
yes your insurance will find out
yes you would have been suspended
yes your insurance company has the right to drop you
yes mto will find out


Why is that little girl wearing such a tiny skirt? She has not been a good little girl.

A DUI is going to severely harm your driving record and abbility to remain insured.

If you did get charged with DUI…which it sounds like maybe you did you should seek the help of a Lawyer or paralegal, ie. OntarioTrafficTickets, exCopper or whatever.

ps. That girl has “future stripper” written all over her.

good info^

impaired goes along with over 80 (mg blood alcohol) but can refer to any number of substance that can impair so not neccessarily a drunk driving chrage whereas over 80 is alcohol specific. so its possibly to get either or both.

90 day susp typically… IIRC

your ins. comp will pass you over to facility to get raped, prepare to pay double

MTO knows within the two weeks it usually takes officers to enter their tickets unless they have the new automated card swipe unit…

sidenote; that drink an hour rule is bogus, I tired it and got pinched for over 80 at a spontanious “ride program”, I blew .82 and .90 both within the 10% margin of error and my lawyer beat it. An expensive mistake nonetheless that I will not make again. Had I been visually impaired I would have been charged with impaired too, but I wasn’t and the officer was nice enough to not cuff me or stuff me into the back of his suburban.

However the 90 susp remained on my record and my ins company has screwed me with it eversince, almost been 3 years now…
Does anyone know if this is legit for an ins. company to charge someone based on a susp for charges that were dropped?

^I have no shame so I will share this with everyone.

Darian, call the MTO and find out why the suspension is still on if the charge was dropped. It should not be on. After that has been fixed, then call insurance and ask them to adjust your rates and credit you for the rate going up as per the MTO’s mistake.

This is all off the top of my head.

Also, the rule for 1 hour per drink is a standard that I used to use when bartending, but we are also told its for an average male about 170lb in good health. Of course, it will be different from person to person, so I agree, don’t trust the rule.

I typically weigh between 190-210, and am in good health (scottish/Irish/hungarian) according to my last physical. I go by 2per3hours and max of 3 when driving…

I think I may just enquire about that as I plan to get a new policy next month.

I blew over one time, after faking blowing like 10 times. The cop got pissed with me, but after I actually blew properly he felt bad for me and didn’t want to screw me over, so he recorded that I blew a warning (in the 0.05 to 0.08 range). I was probably way over that, but I wasn’t drunk. Either way, I got off really lucky, and I definately learned my lesson. I am just really happy that it was not an expensive lesson.

you cant fake blow… they tell you after your first or second try that your not blowing hard enough and if you continue than theyll charge you with fail to comply or w/e

thanks you guys for all the help ppl…

anyway in my situation it wasnt alcohol i was on, i did fine on the roadside tests they gave me and blow zeros for the alcohol detector.
when i got a chance to speak with duty councel he told me that nothing ive told or done for them counts as evidence (or doesnt stand in court or something) however i believe the cops entered it in for disclosure anyway
sooo does this mean theyve got nothing on me?! considering the only eivdence AFTER i spoke w/ the lawyer is the breathalyzer test that i passed perfect on?

do the staples in your card mean your suspended?! cus they stapled over the bar (and now i cant even get into clubs or buy smokes cus they think its fake… being just 19 btw)
and does this mean im suspended until this whole mess is over?!
thanks for all your help guys…
i know probably some of you guys (knowing son) are laughin their ass off at me, i deserve it for being stupid. got myself in serious shit this time… i need help. wondering if anyone has hookups to cheap or good lawyers?

Yeah. The cop was getting pissed at me and said he was going to arrest me for failing to provide a sample. I asked them about the staples, it was probably an accident that they stapled the strip. Mine was stapled through my face. The guy who gave me my license back said it was a quick way for them to tell who had been pulled over for that sort of thing before. I thought he was pulling my leg, but he swore he was telling me the truth. If it bothers you that much, just go to the DMV and tell them you lost your card so they send you another one.

i was going to do that… but thing is i dont want to end up getting them looking up my file or whatnot n seeing that its suspended then i wont even have a license!
oh n btw my court date is june 6th




unlocked cus i a few of us wanna know what you were high on.

still pwned tho.


prolly crystal meth

he must have been smoking nutmeg


on k
i was driving fine though, it was late night/early morn w/e… no cars n i made a left on a stale yellow and the cop pulls outa the timmys and i got pulled over
he asked me if i had ever been in trouble w/ the law and i said no since i thought he meant traffic violations but i guess he meant criminal offences and he comes back going ‘why you lying to me?’ then he made he has to search me etc. few more cops came by cus theyve got nuthin better to do… made a scene… pretty gay
long story short yea… got owned gg