i got arrested

i think i explained about me getting in a wreck back in may…well here it is to haunt me again
i got arrested today coming home from work

he followed me pulled me over was going to pull me over for my license plate tinted cover and crack winsheild. no big deal was probably gong to be a warning

he then asks me to step out and cuffs me says im driving under suspension

i got in a wreck may 15th and it took them til the 29th to get it into their system. well it finally got in and they told me to just mail my copy of the ticket and my $80 fine.

i did so and that was it

i was hit with a failure to comply (which means they didnt get my ticket or whatever) and suspended my license. which they did not notify me that they were even going to.

as of July 13th I have been under suspension

they impounded my car
now i have to pay impound fees
they took my plates so i need to get new plates
i have to miss work on monday to deal with niles court, get my plates and somehow get my car back home
i then have to either miss work tuesday or leave early to go to this now court date at 1:30

this is fun

so considering you need to pay the fine with a check or money order if you mail it then you should have proof that you paid the fine on time. If you were to pay at the local magistrate then you should have been given a receipt.

So this matter should be easily taken care of. Correct? I don’t see how you should be forced to pay the impound fees, re-registration fees and court fees if you paid the fine in a timely manor as you said and have proof.

When I am ticketed for whatever I usually go over the law I supposedly broke very well. I have only been forced to pay for 1 of the numerous tickets I have received in my driving years. The rest have been dismissed by the magistrates because I defended my case with a legitimate argument.


yeah it should be easy. all i have to do is go down to the court that filed the suspension and show them the proof and they will sign off on it or whatever they have to do then i have to take that to the court that i just got arrested at and then give them everything from the other court and should be taken care of, but i still will have to pay for new plates. and tow and impound fees

that still sucks, impound fee’s are going to ass rape you… and there is probably nothing you can do about it

when is earliest you can get car? i would be afraid of storage fees?
hopefully everything goes well for you

I myself have been caught up in the Harrisburgh circle …fix it now.they will never admit they make mistakes.

impound fees can be 50+ dollars a day

that sucks man. but all i can say is join the club…i kept losing job after job and my Motor vehicle record is now 3 pages long…2 and a half of which is purely failure to respond…how tf does harrisburg expect you to pay fines with no job? or even get another job with no l’s? stupid bumfucks in charge is the problem

thats bullshit man id find a way to fight it or some shit

i can get the car out today. but in order to i either have to get it towed out or go to the DMV and get new plates and then have someone drive it home.

so at 8 i have to call them to make sure i can even get it out. then at 9 i have to go to the dmv and get new plates. drive all the way to where its impounded get it out and then get it home. then monday i have to miss work and go to court in Niles, Ohio get it all straightened out take all that stuff to Sebring court Tuesday, Miss work AGAIN and then get it all straightened out. not to mention i just started this job back on june 4th and already have had to miss 5 days and leave early a few days for college. I’ll probably lose my job after these 2 days

well today i go to niles court (the court that issued my suspended drivers license) to get it all straightened up. i have not only a bank statement showing the payment, but the stub. i have a copy of my insurance and everything else. lets hope they dont dick me around and pull some bullshit.

Good luck, hope it all gets cleared up. Did you have to pay all the fees to get your car back and get your plates even though all this is BS?

yeah. i doubt they are going to refund me the $75 to get out of impound and the $25.25 for the plates. i mean it was only $100, but still $100 would of bought my new sidekick that i have been waiting to get

If all goes your way, i would definately push to get your $100 back. It was their fuckup not yours.

his best bet to get the money back would be to hire a attorney. they will walk all over him saying the money in non refundable.

okay reason why it got suspend was saying i didnt show proof of insurance (which i did) but different story. so i had to go to downtown youngstown and show them my papers. and they said they were false or altered to show i had insurance on that day. and i got another ticket for that! so now i still have to go to court tomorrow to face my driving under suspension. which i will probably get a good fine, court cost and probably a suspended license. and then i have to go to court in youngstown on the 20th to fight this “altered” insurance papers ticket.


oh and i asked him why i didnt receive a letter in the mail saying i was under suspension. and he said i should have from niles court and then another letter from the OHIO DMV which i got neither. i asked him if i wouldnt of gotten pulled over how would i have known. he aasked me if i moved recently and i told him nope that address has been the same for 10 years. and still nothing.

i give up. im just going to plead no contest. let them win since obviously me fighting it isnt working and they are making up new shit to cover their mistakes.
im sure ill get court costs, fines, and suspended license

Get an attorney?

no way. i cant afford one i wont be able to afford the fines they are goin to throw at me
im at the point that i just dont even care
i know i should but its looking like nothing i do is going to work so instead of fighting it im just going to roll with it

i had one it was the best 500 dollars i spent…i bet you get your license suspended for atleast a yr. also you can not apply for workers privlidge license if you got cought driving under suspension

no. driving under suspension is a m1 which first offense is max 30 day suspension. i can get work and school privlidges. 4 of my friends have had DUIs, 2 of them have had more than 1 dui and they both had work permission
and if not OH WELL.