When I had my GTI, i hit a pothole out by syracuse. It was so bad it knocked a hole in my oil pan. I didn’t even attempt to get any money out of the state though…
What kind of car do you have? Post up the pics I want to see the carnage!
That is your fault then. You shouldn’t have to be watching out for potholes when trying to operate your vehicle safely on the roadway.
A few years back, I hit a pothole on Sowles Rd. in Hamburg behind West Herr Ford. My choices were:
1.) Hit the pothole
2.) Veer into a guardrail
3.) Cross the double yellow into an on-coming car.
I hit the pothole, filed a claim with the county, and got 75% of my repair estimate… like 6 months later.
Here you can see where the wheel was rubbing on the caliper and the rim was cracked
My GF went through the same stuff last year around xmas on Willardshire RD. She was upset about it only covering 75%, but it was better than nothing.
Sorry to hear man, hope it works out.
It seems like every time I have visited my brother in New Haven I got pissed off driving around. It doesn’t seem like a fun place to have a nice ///M:tdown:
Truth. Responsibility does fall with those required to maintain the property. Couple years ago I hit a nasty pothole on Colvin in Kenmore at night. The hole was too huge to straddle or avoid, there was a vehicle passing me on the left at the moment, and couldn’t stop in time. Poor street lights and crappy Integra headlights FTL. Anyways, wheel was bent like the one above ^^. I snatched a replacement OEM wheel off of ebay from a junkyard in Georgia, then filed my claim with Erie County (they are responsible for that stretch of Colvin) with receipts for the wheel, mount balance tire, and new alignment. I was fully reimbursed within 60 days.
And no, there wasn’t any speeding or jackassery involved…I was taking my mother to Sears for a curtain sale…plus driving through Kenmore with the speed nazis lurking.
I’ve killed a few wheels/blistered tires on pot holes, it sucks. I’ve never really got anywhere with insurance companies or the town/county/state, but maybe you’ll have better luck than I do.
yea i woudl think its going to be a long drawn out battle trying to get the state to pay for anything but a buisness’ insurance might pay out a bit quicker…
im just glad i decided to get the wheel/tire warranty package with my car.
2 tires down already…:roflpicard: