So BECKINGTON hit a lady :(

On friday,i was creeping up to a light on an off ramp, and the lady in front me of me was taking a right on red. she started to go, so i continued to roll, and she stopped for no reason and my mad tyte euro lisence plate hit her car…as i was looking at on coming traffic and not paying attention :bloated:

now i know it is my fault. but. heres the damage. my lisence plate indented her back bumper…barely. Like not enough to tell from far away, and definitely not enough to crack the paint.

Because the paint isn’t cracked…i know the bumper itself isn’t cracked.

she was being a total bitch about the whole thing too.

so she went today to Carubba Collision (yeah i know…), and they quoted her $461!!!

She read the estimate over the phone to me, and she claims it says rear bumper cover, paint, materials…etc etc.

I do not think she needs a new bumper…just patch up the indentation…which by the way is half a sqaure in shape (think the corner of a lisence plate)…and maybe 2 sqare inches in size.

can i make her go get a second opinion…probably from a less shitbag place? wouldn’t insurance make her go get 2 estimates as well?

my deductable is $500. So I’m obviously not going through insurance.

I also have pics of the damage, but i don’t know how to get them off the camera phone.

:tup: Thanks in advance guys!


I think she needs 2 quotes… but she is entitled to all that useless crap I think. :frowning:

I say pay for her to get her car fixed from Carubba and laugh because they’ll do a shitty job.

what useless crap?

a new bumper? i dont think so.

thats shitty, i thought u meant u hit a pedestrian at first, yeah tell her to go fuck herself and get another quote

She doesnt have to do jack, neither do you cuz noone called the cops its your word against hers! this happened to my buddy with his then brand new IS 300 in AMherst on sweethome some dumb fat bitch on her cell phone bumped into him and was all bla bla cant afford it… my insurance…blah bla, so they gethered info and he got her plate number and all, didnt go through the cops or anything. He called her a few days later with an estimate, she was all “what are you talkin about?” " i didnt hit you" so my bud called the cops they were like “Hmm, we have no record of it and she says she didnt do it soo…”

really? hmmm

this happened in amherst too. hmmm.

can anyone else chime in on what would happen if i did this?

absolutely nothing, nobody can prove it


She is absolutely right. That quote is also accurate. The bumper is Plastic. It may not crack, but it will flex and warp. The indentation made by the screws and or your licence plate cover on the bumper will necessitate (sp?) the bumper to be completely removed (take out lights, etc), sanded, as well as razorbladed where the paint spidered (and there is spidering, you probably just didn’t notice it). The $461 quote is in the ballpark of what it would cost if your insurance was paying for the repairs to her car (or if her insurance was paying). That makes no mention if the crash bumper was damaged and needs to be replaced (it probably is, btw). If the damage is to be repaired THE CORRECT way, then $461 is about right give or take a few bucks. If the crash bumper or the regular bumper has to be replaced, you can add some more money to that amount (new bumper will be $$$ or so)

If you want to do it cheaper, skirt costs on a few things, then obviously there is a much cheaper solution. But it will not necessarily be repaired properly. Even if the repaint looks good, if the old bumper was flexed enough, the paint still won’t stick and will re-spider/crack within a few months. Then you are looking at a new bumper.

If you have insurance, let them take care of it. If not, pay out of pocket or try to bargain with her. There aren’t any other options really. You can’t make her do anything. She is entitled to get her car repaired wherever she wants to.

Been there, done that.

EDIT: ASSHOLE OPTION- If she was stupid and didn’t take your insurance info at teh accident scene, and you didn’t report anything to your insurance company, play stupid. You won’t pay anything. That’s if you want to be an asshole. IT doesn’t matter if the police were there or not. Police are not required to file any paperwork or reports unless the accident involved physical injury. If no injury is involved, they are only there at the scene (if called) to facilitate exhange of information, that is all. Cops can’t and probably won’t help you at all. The “complaint” report is just that, a “complaint”.

IF you are an asshole, that’s your business. I know nothing. Karma however, is a bitch.


to the peeps talking about saying it wasent you…

howeve… can you live with it… it all depends on what moral/ethical standard you hold yourself to…

but she should definatly get another estimate…

she was also with a dude, who checked it out.

so she has an eyewitness.

and RX3.

you’re wrong. no cracks nothing, my screws didnt hit her car, cause euro plates dont have screws. the bumper did not warp, nothing…i hit her as hard as someone who was joking around would kick your car.

if she has a witness…would i be fucked saying it wasnt me?

Passengers in the vehicles involved don’t mean much of anything. A police report without any witnesses is also nearly useless.

461 is fair price for repairing a damaged bumper … and 325 would prolly be as dicount priced as you can get …


Did you look? I mean REALLY LOOK, not some cursory glance onsite. Spidering is VERY HARD to pick up sometimes. Whether your plates have screws or whatever is irrelevant. The impact will cause it. IF you hit her at any speed over 5 miles an hour 96% chance the bumper has spidering somewhere. FYI, kicking someones bumper can spider / crack it as well, it just may not be apparently visible.

461 sound about right, let her go through your ins. because it is sooo little damage, your ins. shouldnt be affected.

spider cracks > paintjobs too

nothings worse then sanding down 1/2 a fuckingbumper and thinking you got them all, just to have them show again as your applying clearcoat to the bumper

if she goes through MY insurance

do i have to pay the deductable to fix HER car?

if you even scratched my bumper, i would make you buy me a new one.

yes sir ree.

i looked, in broad daylight, ran my fingers around it…nothing. the paint was not cracked.

s2000 > camry