So BECKINGTON hit a lady :(

I’m 95% sure on this:

There is no deductable that you pay. The deductable is only for repairs to your own car.

If you are fixing someone else’s car that you hit, it falls under the liability/collission/whatever in your insurance. The insurance company just pays for it/cuts them a check. The only thing that may happen to you is an increase in your insurance, if the insurance company deems so.

You still could have missed it. I’m not kidding, spidering is HARD to see sometimes, especially if you are not trained on what to look for. :slight_smile:

If i had a camry, even if I had a hyundai, if you hit it, i would make you get me a new one.

:tup: thanks rick! now we are getting somewhere :slight_smile:


yeah i checked with my agent, if its under $1000 my insurance isn’t affected.

i just didn’t know if i had to pay a deductable.

u hit it u pay whatever it takes

your deductable is for your car

her damage is paid for in full by your ins … i had a $500 deductable and hit a car worth 800, i paid zero, ins never went up … tell her to argue with your ins company

that sucks, do you still got that tv head unit thing? if so i can work some magic…


dude just pay it and get it over with

EDIT: i’m totally w/jettax. i’d just pay it cause it was my fault, and moreover, isn’t something completely out there for an amount. just get it done and over with and move on :tup:

:word: Insurance should take care of it with no raise in premium. Sucks but it happens. Ive been there, happens toeveryone at one time or another.

If you kill her and the dude then you pay nothing.

I just can’t believe that your were invloved in an accident that was 100% your fault and your mad because the woman wants her car fixed.

How do you know this lady isn’t a scammer?

Interesting… I got rear ended last year by someone who was going a decent clip. And it still didn’t spider my bumper. You can barely tell I got hit other than a scuff mark. Sounds really shady IMO.

as iam a accident u basically have to go with that consider 461 dollars lucky. i got a hit in the cobalt been a q uarter panel 800 dollars to fix. 461 seems fair it will cost u in the end if you dont pay for this

Um, what in this story would make you think this woman is scamming him? He addmitted in his story that he wasn’t looking where he was going, he was looking at traffic. She then goes and gets an estimate that comes back with what most people would think is a reasonable quote considering the accident. Where is the scam?


No one here besides Beck has seen the “damage” so how can we even judge this situation? I doubt this lady would get her car fixed anyways.

this whole thread is retarded

let your insurance pay the sub 500 dollar claim. you don’t pay a deductable when you hit someone, and the pay out that it will have no affect on your rates.

2 pages of garbage this early in the morning… grrr

oh and trying to scam someone… put yourself in her shoes. don’t be a fucking dick.

but… but… bitches aint shit… :gotme:

the only scam i could see is she prolly doesnt even care about the car. she just wants that money.
just let it go through your ins. if she just takes the money and doesnt get it fixed. who cares. you dont have to deal with her anymore and life goes on

I would take this punks money and not get the car fixed, since the car isn’t damaged.