Things I shouldn’t hit on the road

This is what I hit on the way home yester day.

The result sucked

You would think someone with my advance driving style would see something like this. But instead I hit the exposed man hole and the man hole cover. Ahhh well another shitty start to this month.

At least you didn’t get hurt!

I did… Emotionally :cry:

i dont know about alberta…but in saskatchewan if you so much as bend a rim on a pot hole…you can get the government to replace it…you should try…it happened to me last summer and they replaced and paid for the alignment

I was about to say the same thing! the city of Edmonton should buy you new rims. Its marked on all the man hole covers “City of Edmonton” so its their responsibility… do it up! new rimz!!

lol I have already contacted the city on this

Yeah an example like this is definite cause to call the city and get them to pay to get that rim fixed and a new alignment. I can not imagine if I hit that pothole with my 12inch or 13inch alto rims … they would go completely in and car would come to a complete stop and spin around …AHHH!

Glad you are ok and that is the only damage that was incurred

It would be nice if they repaired/replaced it for you. Something like this happened to my dad, in his alfa romeo (a low car), and a massive pothole. It cleanly sheared off (not dented) the oil pan from the block and he never got money from the city.

So I’d consider yourself lucky that something like that didn’t happen and I wouldn’t expect a new rim. It would be nice, but its doubtful.

this actually happened to me in the altima but not as bad as yours but still noticeable by 180st and 99ave, how do i contact the city or get some kind of reimbursement for this? Does it have to be a certain amount of damage? and I assume they send an adjuster to your home to look at the damage and such. The pothole i hit is still there actually and its about a foot deep and 2 feet wide now… it’s also in a residential area im not sure why the city isn’t doing anything about it :evil: anyone who hits that is gonna be saaaad.

Since all the snow has started melting alot of them are filled up with water and unless you remember where they are you wont even know they are there until you are pulled over with a flat tire and bent rim.

lets do a group buy on explosives and header down to municipal building.

when i had to go through it, all i needed was pictures of the pothole…they didnt even care where(mind you…regina is bad for shit roads) so just contact your insurer about it and im sure they will help you out man

Well I hope the city does something about it. I drove by this morning and there were still set up by this man hole, so there was an obviously a problem there. It just sucks because If I go through insurance on this I have to pay my $500 deductible.

Ouch Ryan. Might want to get the alignment checked also. Could have bent the LCA.

the thing is though…if you go through your government insurer…they will want to know how it happend…show them the pictures that you took of the damage to your wheel and the manhole or if that doesnt work contact the city and ask to talk to someone that can help you out…there is no way you should have to pay for it

Since all the snow has started melting alot of them are filled up with water and unless you remember where they are you wont even know they are there until you are pulled over with a flat tire and bent rim.[/quote]

I know exactly where this pothole is, probably the biggest I have ever seen lol I live right by that place and ya I found out about it AFTER I smoked it and I was pissed that in a residential area no one ever bothered to put up a sign or something it’s impossible to see at night time. I’ll get some pictures up but really the city should fit my alignment and my bashed rim wtf.

If we were in the US you would have had a knock on your door about 5 minutes after that post.

If we were in the US you would have had a knock on your door about 5 minutes after that post.[/quote]

no you wouldnt…you would have a government representitive show up at your door saying the best way to plan it all out and then blame it on a missile that ricoched off of the ocean fired off by the dirty russians

If we were in the US you would have had a knock on your door about 5 minutes after that post.[/quote]

This is why I love my country.

But on a different note, I was talking to one of my friends that runs a grater for the city and said in a lot of cases some of these guys in graters and snow plows just clip the front of the cover and send it flying. And some guys dont even bother to put it back. So when the snow melts, shit like this happens.

He says to phone the complaint line (which I think you have) and they will replace it for you. Or they will find the contractors who did it for them and get them to pay for it. He said they do it very quickly, but whenever I hear the words ‘City’ and ‘Quick’ I get weary.

wtf, how did you only have that much damage?
id say your pretty lucky.
i would be super pissed, hope you get some mula from the city.