so i go to return some bottles and cans...

from a few weeks of drinking ($15.65 w00t!) and return to my car to see this…

im mean, it is just my honda beater… but what if it was my other car? and why did this mother fucker have to park so fucking close to me? its rediculous.

needless to say, he got a few “accidental” door dings, that slowly turned into dents… not like he cares.

oh and last but not least…
shit ya.

:tdown: to people that park like assholes.

That is normal parking down here in Springville.

I will take pictures someday.

Knife in the tires FTW.

dude they were sooo fucking corded already… i could have used a key

And he was so close ur keys accidentally when all the way down the side of his truck

what a fawkn tard. I would of lit it on fire lol

thats some bullshit right there :tdown: I would of done more than that I think

beater or no beater… theres no reason for that kind of outright ignorance.

lol should of seen if the doors were locked… if they were, then take a few keys (that are obviously easily replacable) or somehing and break it off in his locks :smiley:

inconvienence him a little.

Wow. The funny part is he parked like that to avoid that shopping cart. Tard…

actually, there was another shopping cart right in front of his car that he hit… you cant really see it in my shitty camera phone pics.

HOLY SHIT I didn’t even notice the Earnhardt # 3 Sticker before.

That makes it even better.:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

^I think I see at least two.

Wow, that guy obviously sucks

I hate stupid lazy fucks like that, probably some white trash scumbag of course.

Keying FUCK YOU in the pass door FTW imho.


holy freaking close.

i have parking tickets in my car for those people.
i leave them on their window. :wink:

13 cases or so. not bad at all man :tup:

I mean, fuck! ass! driver! /boondock

From the picture, it appears he made a right turn into that parking spot.

That explains everything.

What a fucko.

Someone did that to me many years ago when Funhouse was cool in Lackawanna. It was a late 80s cutlass/monte/regal. I got in a fight with my gf at the time and was furiously leaving anyway…got out to my jeep at the time to find the someone had backed in about the same distance…maybe less next to me blocking my driver side with their driver side. When I drove away they had no windows on the driver side of their vehicle. Must have sucked driving home on a snowy cold nite fuckers.

:tdown: to people

It would have been way better to sit there and wait for them to come out and give them verbal warfare about their lack of consideration for others.

I suppose it would depend on the day I was having…

lol wtf

best post ever.