google street view.

I put my address in for the first time tonight and it shows me out front working on my cars, about 3 feet from the car that takes the pics. retarded. the pic is from about 4 months ago i believe.

If you talk about pics in a thread, then refrain from posting pics in said thread, the thread is declared worthless without pics…

at least you weren’t busted jerking off like some people were.

were u one of them steve…:rofl:

If you StreetView my house you’ll see my outside with my Bear Fucker costume on…

Check it out!

You have a Mopar, Doesn’t suprise any of us that google captured the view :kekegay:


link to ur pic man…

Im not putting my address out for everyone to know lol!


Fuck yeah! Im sure someone will go and look it up on the net though and post it anyways.


save the picture :stick:

you can’t its in a flash player or some shit.

Hit “Print Scr” on your keybaord, and the open up MSPaint and paste it and save it as a JPEG.

umm who cars ?

holy shit, you can type :bowdown: :finger:
