Google Streetview released in buffalo

… check it out


ILC lurked my house on streetview yesterday.

lol. :tup: geoff. That’s awesome.

this is cool… do the pic ever get updated??

Looks like the picture of my house was taken in the fall of '07. My car is in the driveway, the new windows are in but the front door had not been changed yet.

Pretty cool, yet pretty freaky.

Awesome. Looks like it was about this time last year. My house has since been resided and we got rid of the car we had.

yeah mine was taken some time last summer to early fall, between 6/1 and 10/1.

it was def fall of '07 for me too.

i have 7 diff pic of just my old house where my car is parked but mine was after setp 11 and b4 oct 1st for the pic

wow such old pics

nothing for wheatfield :frowning:

Really? I think within a year is pretty good considering the number of pictures that had to be taken.

i just checked.

BigB is NOT at southgate.

yea, my car is not in the driveway at my parents house… kinda sucks, but i wasnt living there at the time…

im not sure how it works tho, i mean do they ever update it?

i found my car im leaving work…ha

this must have been on the top of a car or van

Crazy ish … I guess you just never know how must "big Brother " is watching …

all these pics were taken from a local company … when i was at colton we did a sprinter van to do jobs like this

I saw the google streetview car driving around destin FL, blocking up traffic at about 15 mph.

That is kind of weird. I hope someday they get a picture of me naked in a picture window of my house. :slight_smile: