Streetview FTMFW!

Remember that thread I started regarding the google cars. Well here’s an update. This made my day. :slight_smile:,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario,+Canada&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.25835,93.076172&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=Fa77mwId9LxF-w&split=0&t=h&layer=c&cbll=43.772008,-79.321624&panoid=TpokY7eybPTmcZcxcAAk3Q&hq=&hnear=3120+Sheppard+Ave+E,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario,+Canada&ll=43.772095,-79.321662&spn=0.000604,0.00142&z=20&cbp=13,326.77,,0,11.0

Anyone else remember where they were at when they encountered a google car?


lol thats awesome i gotta look for me now… this is gunna take a while

Lol. Nice!

Im usually anal about reposts, my bad. I searched “streetview” and nothing came up. I should’ve added the space.

How is this old i saw this on the news today saying they completed the whole thing.

I had to put her in the garage that day! FUCK!

^lol, that sucks.

My 240’s been immortalized. Rust can’t do shit now. lol

xD awesome

this thing wont take me inside my house, lame

Its not grand theft auto. lol

hey what do you know. My car is parked in my driveway in google earth.

lol change thread name to “Car spotted on google streetview”


I know I’m on it at least once, but they’re still mapping my city, so they haven’t updated it yet. pow! Shits wicked though.

sounds like a something to do when indredibly bored during those long months when the car is stored

Haha, nice, wish I could find a driving shot of mine somewhere.

Stop being a douche, I already acknowledged this earlier.