Somebody really must hate me right now...

So I finally decided that I need to just get the Golf back running and driving again so I have a vehicle and then play around with trying to figure out the Jetta. So today I took a couple hours putting all of the original parts from the Golf back into the Golf. Well I swapped all of the original parts back in and now the Golf won’t run either :banghead::banghead::banghead: It is acting just like the Jetta… cranking and cranking and cranking but no firing what-so-ever. And like the Jetta, there is a massive smell of fuel.

So now I’m just plain pissed. I am 100% sure that the parts that originally came out of the Golf are back into the Golf and nothing was mixed up. The only thing I have not changed back yet is the o2 sensor… but I wouldn’t think that would prevent it from starting.

I guess the plan now is to start buying parts til one of them are running. Since its obvious that I’m getting fuel, I will probably start with the ignition components (coil, distributor, cap, rotor, plugs, wires) and the small and fairly inexpensive sensors (oil pressure switches, coolant temp sensors, intake air temp sensor). The reason I am getting the oil pressure switches is because like the Jetta, the oil light is blinking on the Golf during cranking. So needless to say, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting my helmet this week… doh.

Oh yea… FML

that sux man i hope you get it figured out…think of it this way as soon as you get it figured you should be able to fix the other just as fast…stupid ? but did u check out the fusebox and the relay panel?

yea. It has to be a sensor somewhere… but god knows which one. Tomorrow I’m going to try putting the o2 sensor back in, but I have a feeling it won’t fix it… so I’ll probably be heading up to GAP friday and spending around $400 on ignition parts and some of the sensors. So much for getting my helmet this week… FML

FYL… sorry

Take both of these headaches down to the port of Albany and buy some other beater with the money you get for the scrap value.

An '88-'91 (+ or - a few years) Buick Lesabre or Olds 88 would be my choice for a cheap beater. The 3.8 runs forever and the cars are tanks.

everyone I’ve known with any older chevy that you mentioned has had the car completely die on them before hitting 150kmi… not a big fan of chevy sedans.

dude you weren’t a fan of VW’s until you bought your first one, everyone has different luck with cars, dont knock em til you try em!

Toyota FTW lol


GM 3.3/3.8L FTW, PJB knows whats up!

I disagree steve. my vw is reliable as hell.

Well I took an “educated gamble” on the Jetta by picking up the new parts and giving it a shot… and it payed off!!! The Jetta is once again purring like a kitten. Ended up replacing the distributor, cap, rotor, plugs, wires, and 2 oil pressure switches with all new parts from GAP and she started right up. Even took it for a maiden voyage to Advance auto to pick up a couple turn signal bulbs. Now tomorrow I can bolt the exhaust back up, replace the wiper motor that my loving wife burned out on me, and then the rest of the weekend I can get back to the little things that need to be done (sunroof swapped over from Golf, interior fully cleaned, and to swap the radio out of the golf and into the Jetta.

Considering how I actually saw you spending hours on fixing those cars I can sort of understand how you feel. Sorry you had to revert back to your old car though. Atleast you dont have to bike now in the rain we’re expecting.

GL with the Golf…

No, the Jetta is the one I wanted running. The golf is the “newer” car (98) but the body is in worse condition. Of course not having wipers thanks to a loving wife who accidentally turned them on when I had tools on the windshield (subsequently burning out the motor) left me with no choice but to take the bike this morning. Yea, I got a little wet.

Blue golf white jetta. Okay. So you got the car you WANTED running to run with the destruction of YOUR old car… Isnt that what you wanted to do (besides the destroying your golf) ?

either way… Congrats and sorry

ps: video is fine. Thanks again for install.

Well the goal was to get the Jetta running. The golf will actually be fine once I replace the same parts and the clutch.

GL Lets hope you get both up and running soon.

^ your sig is fucking huuuuuge

Will try to fix now. Sorry

fuck vw