Somehow, somebody will find a way to defend this...

I’m fairly certain the guy is a dumbass. “art” heh.

He got his name in the paper. :gotme: and I guess you helped spread his name to even more people.


Thats just completely stupid. “Art” my ass.

^^ exaaaaactly

he needs to get a real job and stop being a dumb ass. Stupid shit like that is not art

lol. funny.

up to his waste in cement… wouldnt he get cement in his pee hole? i mean soap is bad enough, but cement!!!

HAHAHA^ Funny.

:wtf: Yeah that is NOT art…

It would have been art if he had gone over. Yeah, that would have been beautiful…

He would have been in the paper either way. Slow news day!

Absolutely GREAT WAY to quantify that.


How was my answer even a quantification to begin with?

And really, I don’t care if I’m helping get this guy attention. I found it funny. tehehhehe tigitbioooo :slight_smile:

it’s not as funny if I have to explain it.

It actually is funny!

I dont like art at all…so I dont give a fuck if its art or not…its still teh suck


Cheater has art in his avatar.


this guy is an ass

They were talking about this guy on the edge yesterday. He was supposed to climb down the falls and then climb back up while being secured by some ropes to rocks out in the water. I gues he felt one jerk just a little which made him decide to crawl back to shore where cops were waiting for him. The only question is… why is he naked doing this?

It would have been interesting to see him doing this… maybe throw a few things at him to distract him even more.