someone ID this white skyline .. (kid says he lives in amherst and owns it)

Nissan240sxPOS : ive got another race for you, my buddy has a 95 taurus SHO, he wants to race
irsh 17 : im talk to MPD
irsh 17 : do you know him
Nissan240sxPOS : yea
irsh 17 : hes gonna lose
irsh 17 : hes olny got a turbo 4 cylinder
Nissan240sxPOS: wanna run the SHO too ?

more in a moment …

ha, wow.

hahhahah wow

irsh 17: but as far as a roll cage you can make one eazy if you get a bar bender
MPD: i’ve heard you can make it out of PVC pipe too
MPD: is that a good idea?
MPD: seems like a cheap alternative to me
irsh 17: yes ive seen that its looks ok once you spray it a color
irsh 17: yea you could probely even make on for under 300

lol wow

MPD: sorry, i dont know that much about cars
MPD: i just know mine is really fast
MPD: i smoked this kid in a civic the other day
MPD: i think he was turbo’d
MPD: he must’ve been
MPD: had crazy black smoke out the back
MPD: and that whistle noise my car makes
irsh 17: honda civic what color was it
MPD: red
MPD: with black wheels
MPD: he said his name was beckingson or something like that
MPD: you know him?
irsh 17: was it a 1999 civic
MPD: i dunno how to tell them apart
irsh 17: oh ok sounds like a car ive seen

I was even trying to get Beck in on it :wink:

Nissan240sxPOS [2:37 A.M.]: how much hp do you have ?
irsh 17 [2:37 A.M.]: 450RWHP

hes got one of those gtr r33’s that came RWD, lol

You know he won’t show up…

Because the car doesn’t exist.


MPD, Do you think you could fab me up a PVC rollcage??
I would ask Lafengas but he is all hung up on carbon fiber parts…:cjerk:



I have this feeling if you asked him if it came with the optional supercharger to keep boost up a low speeds he’d say yes. Or if it also has VTEC too.

yea, lafengas likes to use uber expensive materials just to drive up his profits … lol

pvc rollcage for the mother fuckin win

i say we all go and invade this ric3r event in lockport :slight_smile:

:rofl: @ PVC roll cage

Why not just ask the kid for a penny pic?

Nissan240sxPOS [12:53 A.M.]: so you didnt have the car converted to US spec crash standards and fire proofing standards ?
irsh 17 [12:54 A.M.]: no

call him out saying it cant be US registered if this hasnt happend…unless he lived in Europe for a long time

eh. the guy who bought my skyline stuff has a US titled R32 that has had no safety/emissions modifications done to it. Title says nissan skyline and it has a US vin. He said it took 3 days to do and was about 100 bucks. :gotme:

cause he lived in Europe for a while didnt he…there is a stupid law that if u were a resident of that country for so many years that u can bring a car like that over with no questions…i read it somewhere


I am totally hooking myself up with a PVC roll cage.:rofl:

Its gotta be some little kid fucking with ya. Hes probally posting shit on some other forum saying this " This kid thinks i got a skyline and wants to make a roll cage from PVC".