any buddy know who owns this 280 datsun

so everyweekend in the summer i drive to my cottage in rushford. now one of the cars i want badly is a 280 datsun. so when just before the town of holland i come across a white 280 datsun with a spoiler and front flip. also had aluminum racing rims with low pros on it. any buddy know whos car this is?

god help us all.

I’ve seen this car parked in front of some house on the street at the end of the 400. That things bad ass

hell yeah thats the exact one i want and love

stop at the house and talk to them if there old as shit then i dont think they are on here …

lol @ flip

and yes im on the phone non-stop right now trying to talk to people and type this up. lol

i went to school with this kid, what the f is your question? completly pointless thread for this. do you want to give him a reach around because he drives one of your favorite cars? Maybe you want to stalk him and steal his car? and god damn it, you failed at life so bad by posting this thread.

240 > 280

shit just wondering what he had done to it. i think there sick cars. straight 6 where the engine is heavier than the body, there rear wheel drive. and a standard, id deff be happy as hell to own won. just alot to keep up with on it though, and shit is expensive for them. and hard to get

you would be happy to own one. as in a single vehicle.

No, just the previous owner’s neglect, well, which in most cases is “a lot”.

No, unless you are trying to do a 100% factory resto. There are still several companies that have new OTS parts for them.

No, with over 400,000 S30s imported to the U.S., not really.

my god this kid spells worse than speedped

yeamabu like a jiggabu only different?

Wow, calm down. He’s only asking about the car because maybe he likes it, and is interested in it. What’s wrong with that?

you failed at life so bad by posting this thread
Who gives a fuck? Why are you so upset?

thanks, that made me feel better

Hell yes. Next project for me, except with the values on them I can afford a far more complete car. They are teh sex.

u guys r insane

i am now dumber for reading this post…

they’re getting pricey man. my dads has few mods; suspension, sways, shaved head, centerforce clutch, 5 sp tranny, exhaust, etc. and its insured for ~$12k.

I’m bout to learn how to paint so hopefully I’ll be spraying mine once school is done, and finally get the sumbitch on the road

so noone knows that has been done to this car? or anything really about it