I have 6 seasons of Top Gear on my computer that I am making into DVDs. Im going to have each season on 1 DVD and have menus and what not. Only problem is, I need to have Backrouds for the DVD menu’s. I need someone who has Photoshop to come up with 6 Graphics for the backround of the DVD’s If I like your design, Ill give you a free copy of the DVD that features your graphic. I would like the graphics to be as big as possible so that I dont have any pixleation(sp?) so anything around 1024 x 780 would be great. Lets see what you have.
Why don’t you just download some from here ?
I have a couple from there but Id rather have Jeremy, Hammond, and James in the backround.
NTSC DVD = 720 x 480 - you can’t use anything higher res.