someone shot themselF at the casinoooo


I can make that arguement against any business you want to put in WNY though.


Sure if you only look at retail and service. How about high tech manufacturing and knowledge work?

OGSI, Springville Manufacturing, K Technologies, Zeptometrix, Schlyer Machine, Avox Systems, Taylor Devices, Wilson Greatbatch, Praxair Technology Center, Moog, AirSep, etc etc etc. These companies help the Buffalo area economy because they take local’s time and talent and turn it into a product to sell to the world outside of buffalo, thus bringing money IN.

When I get right down to it I don’t give a flying fuck if we have a casino or not, other than for the fact that it steals resources that should be devoted to the real problem that big manufacturing is leaving and Buffalo needs to find a new way to bring money IN.

While tourism can help, I think we need to put first things first. If we can encourage the growth of small high tech manufacturing and knowledge work in the area, then the city will get nicer and a complementary tourism industry will follow.

Maybe I’m wrong and you can grow a successful tourism industry in an otherwise failing city. :gotme: