Whats your thought on this?
bad idea i think.
Whats your thought on this?
bad idea i think.
It will bring money to the city, but wont do much for keeping people in the city.
great idea
not 21… so it doesn’t matter to me.
you dont need to be 21, Unless Pa will be different.
Wva is 18.
most states it is 21…
i won’t be much of a casino person anyway… I don’t have money that I feel like I can just give to the city
^^^Agreed. Look at Las Vegas. They have one of the highest crime rates in the country. People get hooked on gambling, loose everything and get desperate for $$$$ so they steal. I think it is gonna hurt pittsburgh.
just my .02
Its gonna be chaos, granny and grandpa are gonna get hit by a drunk from southside
i can argue both sides of story of good and bad. But time will tell.
all i care about is gettin a new rink for the pens
omg…c’mon now…its people that are so conservative and worry about pieces of shit who can’t control addiction who make this city broke. This city could actually make an increase in income and I think they should take the oppurtunity and run. Should gas staions not sell cigars because people use the to roll blunts? it doesn’t make sense. We need the money bad.
you guys do know thats it only SLOTS nothing else, last time i went to vegas only the old people were on the slots so i think it will be a good idea since our state has the 2nd highest population of old folks.
Definitely a good idea although they need to take it the whole way and actually have gambling not just slots. If nothing else, slots parlors will help keep money in PA. Currently anyone on the eastern side of the state can pop over to Atlantic City or down into DE/MD area (forget which one) to a reservation and gamble. Likewise, wheeling is close to the burgh for slots, and Niagara Falls is only a few hours away for full-on gambling. So really, I just see locals staying in the area to drop their coinage instead of hauling it out of state. I seriously don’t see any mass of people coming in from anywhere to gamble/cause trouble as I pointed out we are already surrounded by places to gamble.
well put!
if it keeps the Pens here then im all for it
more opertunities for gun toting, productive members of society to shoot someone. :dunno:
Wild west anyone?
It will raise some money that will be promised for a million different uses, and nothing will be accomplished with any of it.
*2 even if ppl do get addicting and steal it’ll just be from jerrys kids jars since they have nickel slots for the AARP crowd
I gambled once… lost USD 20 (we were in Canada) in about 30 minutes, decided it sucked and went to spend my money on something productive… like booze.