SON240SX / Bings NIAGARA MEET - 2008

there is a buffet dinner at the meet.

it would not be acceptable to BBQ in the parking lot.

bing’s family graciously donates restaurant space to host our club for dinner

if for some reason you aren’t keen on chinese buffet, there are lots of off-site options around to satisfy your dietary needs

Not cool man…Bings parents put on a buffet at the meet (the cozy restaurant) and honestly…i dont like Chinese THAT much…and i liked this…but if ur not cool with it…dont eat there

And if you aren’t going to eat there, you shouldn’t park in the parking lot as you are just taking up another “customer’s” parking spot.

But that’s just my opinion. If you find this opinion offensive, you can delete it.

^^ no that is pretty fair.

i dont have the time to keep up with what everyone is doing, but people are not obligated to eat at the buffet. But you have to understand that i dont pay to reserve the rear dining area, it is understood that the number of people who eat at the buffet will make up for the reserved space.

this is why i can only do it on sundays, because on saturday evenings the restaurant is very busy and we could not reserve the space.

We have a list going of Montreal guys to make it up there! Hopefully 10-15 cars will make the trip.

If one of you montrealers want to take the lead in organizing the cruise/arrival, we can co-ordinate with that person when we’re closer to the date.

I think that would be easier and more effective than trying to talk to everyone at once.

any groups that will need to be coordinated, i can meet in hamilton or stoney creek area and lead you back into st catharines and into bings.

pm me if needed

binger, if you got alot of nyspeed guys coming from the states,

tell them they can meet up with me and i can lead people upto the meet if needed

im right along the u.s border

^in regardes to what bing said^ sodoes that mean we should reserve seats or he means there will be people that have seats reserved out side of the meet?

june 8th? i hate you bing. june 7th is my birthday and im guna be all hungover and shit.

thank you you awnsered my concerned for food… now for the future maybe you should advertise what exactily is going on for first timers…

that way new guys dont get pissed at the idiots that just start stabbing at the OP of the comment they made…

Bing ive heard your meets kick ass lots of 240’s there but try and elaborate on WTF is going on there and whats available…

i guess ill just start asking since ive found NO info…

is there any contests like cleanest swap? best 240? most rusted POS to make it in one peice???
are the vendors bringing merchandise?
is there food, fuel, hotels around…
wheres the closest open mechanic just incase somone loses thier brakes and dosent want to just work on thier car on the road…
Details man… Details

we havent done any contests in the past
we may try to do one this year

vendors will likely have merchandise and/or booths… still being discussed

yes food, yes fuel, yes hotels… all around and all close.

i cant answer that last question… i hope your brakes dont get lost

its still early

more details to follow

alright thanks. it would be F*in awsome if parts were easily purchasable, i think it would help anyone looking for parts if everyone who had parts to sell just quite simply used a car marker and wrote what they had there or close by on there rear window or something to that effect. i think it would encourage a bigger turnout. like guys that need somethings to finish thier 240 would want to come down in there DD just to see what they could find.

it could revolutionise the meet, from a just a meet to an EVENT that could oneday get so big people travel from all over and its well known…
like this meet should even be advertised on Zilvia and Nico Club if its not already… a 240 driver is a 240 driver no reason to single out to Sonlings only
Just thinkin big:)

If anyone from Montreal/Quebec/Ottawa wants to meet up that hasnt gone before, we can all meet in Kingston and convoy down. Trust me you guys will not be disapointed.

Ill talk to the guys Bing and maybe we can get something set up for the Saturday night. Ill keep ya up to date.

^^If you can pm me the info on a pre-cruise meeting in Kingston so we can coordinate it into our route, that would be very appreciated. As said above by logik, we’re hoping for a 20+ car turnout.

Also, since the topic has come up on our board, are other Nissans welcome at such a meet? Would they have to park outside of the restaurant? They’re not looking to invade the show, they just want to participate in a epic S chassis meet and cruise.

i think given the expected turnout this year, we will have to put non s-chassis vehicles in adjacent lots

there may be some exceptions for uber hot rides, but it will be up to our discretion

maximas and run-of-the-mill 350s and stuff will prolly have to park somewhere else

we’ll see though

Is the list on p.1 people goin on the cruise?

are there accomodations for those who cannot make it up steep parking lots and over pot holes?

any ramps available for those that need it?

hahahaha i’m kidding.

bings meet is the biggest and most hyped of all. new members will be overwhelmed with the amount of 240s you will see.