SON240SX celebs

oh snap look who it is!

Haha, how could we forget our resident hasn’t posted in a year member! :smiley:


how you guys doing?
I know it has been a while, I dont even know if i should be posting on here bc i dont even have a 240 anymore…

Nobody on this page has a 240 anymore…

Are you still driving the Subaru?

^ Haha, that’s so sad and true, we should start our own site:

Yuup still got my Subie :slight_smile:

I use it for work, so im not moding it…pretty much just maintaining it :slight_smile:

I thought you guys still had your 240’s …

I find it funny how you’re still an RL

Oh i guess you didn’t get the memo eh?

I’ve been hosting some Top-secret K/W SON mtgs.


r u also the venue ? LOL

Oh snap!

Hector, your such a fag.

why do you even bother posting stupid shit?
when will you ever grow up?

Aww, come on kids, play nice :wink:
Mercedeh, don’t take it personally, I’m sure Hector was only joking anyway.

WoW! …They forgot about the bigest celebrity of all! The limousine drivin, turbo spoolin, deal hookin, convoy buildin, milf bangin, crazy ass Greek! :smiley:

yeah if you banged a milf, then you definitely deserve the celebrity title.

Toronto240sx was the first SON240sx member I ever met.

Son celebs, what the hell kinda thread is that lol
Osad, your should be last person on the list, you suck…


How come all i get is biggest hardparker of all time?

This is like a make the OGs of SON angry and feel forgotten thread.

A milf? “A” milf?.. Dude there has been more then just a few!

I am like the Finch of SON lol!

There are probably some members here with hot moms.
People should start bringing their moms to SON meets LOL.

Have we got unresolved issues? What a wad!
