SON240SX forza 3 drift session!

here’s one of my cars haha. too much time in vinyl on this thing…

i havent had the chance to go out and buy this game yet…was wondering though…is it as hard to drift on forza 3 as it is on forza 2??

it’s not hard…it’s the same as forza 2…which was pretty damn good. No “drift” physics FTW!

big session going on right now!


Aww fack. I missed out.

On tonight xbl: srjdmteg

im going to be on tonight. someone add me GT: eightyninecoupe

just got the game couple of days ago need to get some good cars goin! I gotta get live re-activated add me up gt: codyne

I just can not seem t0 tandem with anyone over 90 degrees other than you…ain’t that cute!?!

We gotta upload them replays. That shit was tight son.

Should have had a in kart camera for our (my drunken) formula kartways tandems…because THAT shit was insane. Ridin your bumper…over 90 degrees on turn 2. Fucking insane. Love it.

Xbl gt : Da african

Awww thx chris lol we just go all out were just good like that

Over 90 degrees? the hell are you drifting? AWD?

Yeahhhh playa lol

anybody can drift AWD… just sayin haha

Haha, booooo

Hey aren’t you Matt alberts friend and meh my zr1 and chris’s chevelle do damage to

yea i’m good friends with matt.

Ahhh okay well that’s always good

anyone on tonight? Just got my xbox back from repair. Add me SlidewaysRPS13