song from knocked up

i keep finding different answers every wherer i go. but what is the song from knocked up when they are dancing in the club and he is doing his dice throwing move?

All I care about is Rock Lobster by The B52’s in the scene where they are doin it…





that video is hysterical.

yes thanks i needed to find that ur a savior jon


All I care about is Rock Lobster by The B52’s in the scene where they are doin it…





lol that was the LEAST rap video-like rap video i’ve ever seen…

almost all the girls were white, and all had skinny butts and small boobs…

wtf, i thought that rap culture was all about fatties?


lol that was the LEAST rap video-like rap video i’ve ever seen…

almost all the girls were white, and all had skinny butts and small boobs…

wtf, i thought that rap culture was all about fatties?


:smash2: because a girl with curves makes her fat?


:smash2: because a girl with curves makes her fat?



Probably filmed in New Zealand where he is from? I don’t think they’ve got fat chicks.