Song to make an entrance to?

Wedding planning. Entrance song for the bridal party to be introduced to. We’ve thought of everything from POD - Boom to Dwight Yokam - Crazy Little Thing Called Love to Biggie - Hypnotize.

I’m about to go check the pump up song thread, but post up links to good huge energy entrance songs if you have any good ideas.



down with the sickness- disturbed

me and my bitch - biggie

I can’t believe this thread made it to 3 posts before that. :lol:

My brother did the Sabres opening song from MSG

holy shit that would be fucking awesome LOL

highway to hell

Welcome to the Jungle- guns and roses

Metallica- enter sandman

Dreams- van halen

Rocky theme song

Another one bites the dust- Queen

Eye of the Tiger ftw - my #1 pick

alright i’m done now

We’ve considered highway to hell. :lol:

sorry i am bitter on the whole wedding thing right now

That’ll happen.

is ur brothers name Ken

yay when ur fiance breaks up with u 3 months before the big day it will happen…but I really wanted Highway to Hell as like a joke thing

Our latest thought is Presidents of the USA - We’re not going to make it

We have to pick 3 different songs - one for the parents, one for the bridal party, and then one for us.


at :40 you have to run out and like start dancing that would be so fucking rad

+1 for another one bites the dust.

do it.

Knights of the Round Table from Monty Python.

If it wasn’t already mentioned:

The Chicago Bulls entrance song :slight_smile:

2 live crew - hoochie mama