First Wedding Dance

Was hoping one of her cans would pop out.

Good looking ho


classic… i love it.

that was funny as hell, colleen and I should have done that

Hey how’d my wedding video get on youtube? :mad:

OK fine, maybe it’s not me. I can’t dance like that. Although my wife does have nice cans. :shrug:

now thats something to do at your wedding…

nice to see something other than the boring ass first dance

hott broad…

That is awesome. Well done by the bride and groom…

That is sort of how my wife danced when we were introduced. I made the entire wedding party dance into the reception area to different songs. Guys to “sharp dressed man” and girls to “foxy lady”. The wife and I came in to “Let it Whip”. We did the boring 1st dance though.

Our parents walked in to Born to be Wild since 3/4 of them rode motorcycles.

Our bridal party walked in to POD - Boom (Crystal Method Mix)

We walked in to Another One Bites The Dust.


our bridal party danced to “get out of my dreams and into my car…” i don’t know the name of the song but my wife thought it would be funny if we did that to them

yeah shes hot…little tittie mishap would have been nice.

shes such a sport, i bet it was her idea…

That guy had the longest lankiest arms ever.

That must be a tall couple.

PS that last shot was nice.

awesome. i want to do that.

That’ll get people drinking

that was sick lol