sooooooooooo anyone goin to the lot tonight thread

Im glad you’re laughing with me. I wasn’t sure how you would take that. I’m getting tired of sending apology PMs. LMAO

ill be out sat 4/4 night in the 4 door (daily) cuz thats all i gots right now

saturday is 4/3
sunday is 4/4

hahah sorry 4/3

ive been at mcdonalds now for an hr, where the fuck is everyone? i already ate 2 double quater pounders and had diareah once…still…no ones here…

I’m coming out around 9 or 9:30ish, so I’ll def be there by 10.
A little early, isn’t it :lol

ahhhhhh SHIT

ill be out


well tonight went well………


Seconded. Anyone else in that line of cars on the extension?

lemme guess, cops blocked them in again?

hahaah yea that was priceless:rofl

Good Guess. Glad they let me go. Won’t get into why since I don’t know who actually reads these posts. Just had to wait until they started filtering the non racers from the racers, I went into the non racers.

Also, saw you old Cobra there tonight!!!

U get let go? Anyone know what they did with spectators who got sifted into the “racer” category?

i didnt get pulled over, i saw them all when i was at the light. then went straight and looped back

Good move, sadly I pulled up into the spectator zone and watched 3 cops come blasting out of the road, and proceeded to calmly drive my stock vehicle back towards New Karner and Washington Ave at a normal rate of speed :lol

At which point the cars were all stopped, and after half an hour or so we were sifted into “pull over” and “non pull over”.

I was a “non pull over” and was released. I then drove back home as fast as possible.

i dont feel bad for you guys at all ,but thanks for settin the nite up for the rest of us . a few smart ones not at the ext got yanked seein as you guys got em goin so early

They were racing even before I went up, I think the first races were at like 10:30, which was WAY to early IMO (didn’t go to these). Then the second round of races started happening (which I wanted to watch) and the cops prolly weren’t happy about the earlier ones at that point, so it was blockade time.

And I don’t feel bad for me either. I ran the risk by going, shit happens and I’m not gonna complain about it.

Just letting you all know what happened.

we new what was up before ya guys left . just noone listened prolly 4-5 cars that can play got yanked by colinie,s finest because those r-tards got em all heated

sounds like its best to stay FAR FAR away from the ext this year