sooooooooooo anyone goin to the lot tonight thread

+1, bunch of herbs

So what actually happened??

First, I got there a little before everyone else, and parked in the top of the Kohls lot since there was nobody parked there. The idiots in the upper lot were lighting off fireworks and driving around shooting roman candles out of their cars. The trucks were curb hopping for a good 10 minutes before the police pulled one guy over and then flooded the upper lot.

Then tdi and joey rolled up and a few other nicer cars pulled up next to us. So we bullshitted for a bit before heading out for a cruise.

I don’t know where the other 20 fucking cars came from but they just followed us out of the lot for no reason other than to cause problems. It was so fucking retarded. I don’t know why when somebody sees 5 or so nicer cars rolling out of that place that they feel the need to follow them for miles. Sooo dumb. :retardclap

Since there was SO MANY cars it ended up slowing everyone else down to ~30mph on the highway, and then they would speed up to 70 or so and then SLAM on the brakes back down to 40 again. A few got pulled over too for running a stop sign in front of a cop :lol

Sounds like a nice night at the lot :lol.

Sounds absolutely hilarious to me :lol

I should have just spun them all out

Well, the said following cars were justin2386 in his shitty herb-mobile, some herb in a A4, some clown in a gen 3 Eclipse, and a couple other various clownshoes.

All the more reason to not organize shit at the lot. So wack.

LOL :rofl :rofl

car wash FTW. no room for troublemakers, literally

True. I mean, I don’t really care as I am not one of the cars “cruising”, but once the rest of the nice cars start coming out we really need to organize shit where the usual tit dirt won’t tag along.

Schdy P-garage ftw

Seems like it was a good night to stay in my warm house.

It just amazes me how people seem to go out of their way to look and act completely retarded.

Why do you feel the need to take your POS car to McDonald’s and light off fireworks? Cant you do shit like that at home? Nobody thinks its cool.

Yeah, sure, to hang out. I’m not driving to Schenectady, on their shitty ass roads, to meet up to go hit up the highway.

The roads on the way there arent any shittier than colonie, but thanks for your input!

The roads I have to take to go anywhere in Colonie, Latham, Clifton Park are all 100% fine.

Thanks for proving my point that the roads from schdy to the p-garage are fine! :lmao

justins kewler than u guys tho

The roads I have to take from Latham to Schenectady, SUCK DICK

Ok, so Broadway is a little rough but state street isnt bad driving from Colonie to Schenectady and you could even take the northway and thruway if you wanted to.

i dont know him (justin) but his gearheads were on for like 15 minutes pointed at the center of the mcdonalds lot when he was just sitting in his car, i had to turn my back to it because the fucking things were giving me a migraine