Sopranos (NOW WITH SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Not a bad ending, but leaving it with some sketchy guy watching them and disappearing into the bathroom was lame.

Oh, and thank you David Chase, for squishing Phil with an Expedition. Every time I work under mine, even with multiple jackstands, I have visions of it crushing me. Now I have the audio to go along with those visions.

Ending sucked… even if they are planning a movie…

Ford = squashed heads

Phil getting smashed was fucking great!! Ending was like watching the last half of a minute of hockey with a 1 goal lead. I was waiting for someone to pull out a gun but then, nothing happened.

I think the sketchy looking guys were there to make the moment intense and to give a feeling of what Tony’s life is all about…you know…how he needs to always watch his back, cant ever relax. I think thats all it was. The info about the inditments (sp) was another “the shit that happens in his life”. Pretty much summing up that this stuff will never end for him.

yeah it was supposed to be just a typical moment in his life and what he faces. Guy would be pointing directly at his head when he came out of the bathroom. Wants you to draw your own conclusion (or for some, probably in the south, call up your cable company pissed.)

(And then find out if it was right or not at the movie in 2 years)

Yeah, because when a guy is in his position, he doesn’t have a sit down dinner in a place that he doesnt have his hands in (extortion) = none of his crew around him. So, I think that was also showing that he DOES care about his family THAT much to chance it and have a nice dinner in a neutral area for him.
I think the ending was kind of a buzzkill but, seriously would you have thought it would be any other way? :wink:

jespo only half right and BTW that was gay i will never spend a dime to see a movie when they try to pass this shit off.

in retrospect i guess it wasnt too terrible of an ending. what i didnt get was the build up of meadow trying to park her car over and over again. i thought that was a build towards her getting hurt, but nope…

also, who whacked philly? was that guy a jersey guy or one of the brooklyn crew? i didnt recall seeing him before…

Crazy ending, thought the cable went out for a second there.


in retrospect i guess it wasnt too terrible of an ending. what i didnt get was the build up of meadow trying to park her car over and over again. i thought that was a build towards her getting hurt, but nope…

also, who whacked philly? was that guy a jersey guy or one of the brooklyn crew? i didnt recall seeing him before…


He was the guy doing curls in Satriali’s when Pauly was bitching about the cat.

hahaha the cat, I loved the cat!

“I moved the picture, the cat went to the new spot!” :slight_smile:

the cat was hilarious, especially at the end too

i lol’d a touch

Pauly was def. one of the best charaters on that show. I have a uncle that looks “similiar” to him and acts the same way. Acts like a tough guy, but some of the shit that comes out of his mouth makes you think hes a brittle old man…and you just gotta laugh.

Im gonna miss Pauly.

So everyone agrees the episode was uber ghey but the cat vs paulie saga was hilarious. They should make a spinoff an call it “caturday in jersey”

last. episode. sucked.

the 2nd last was much better.

One question, What happened to the russian guy that paulie failed to kill years ago?

and another thing why the fuck didnt aj die?

yeah… it seemed like the writers just gave up in the end on an otherwise entertaining show. AJ is being the most annoying little bitch forever, then all of a sudden everything is ok? plus we didnt get to see meadow naked. bah.


yeah… it seemed like the writers just gave up in the end on an otherwise entertaining show. AJ is being the most annoying little bitch forever, then all of a sudden everything is ok? plus we didnt get to see meadow naked. bah.


That’s too much wishful thinking. They didn’t give up on it, David Chase just kinda left it open for other possibilities rather abrubtly too I thought.

There’s talk of another season, or maybe a movie or something either that or it ended the way it did because he obviously wants you to think about what happened, sort of like imagining your own ending.