Sopranos (NOW WITH SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!)


the ending was PERFECT! :tup:

The show was always shot from Tony’s perspective, and they exxaterated that point in the last few episodes. When Meadow walked in, Tony looked up but he wasn’t looking at Meadow. The look on his face was that something else caught his attention, enough to alarm him. By the time he tried to make sense of it, bang he’s dead, instant silence! That’s how the show ended, since we are always seeing the world from Tony’s view.

My guess is the guy in the bathroom (Nikki, Phil’s cousin) clipped him.


Could be true but you never know. That is how you see it. Wait until the movie is out, then we will see what really happens. I doubt they will make a movie without tony. Sex in the city is almost a go for a movie, so Sopranos shouldnt be far behind.


in the last scene we are seeing through Tony’s eyes. Remember when he was speaking with Bobby…basically saying that you don’t see it happening?

So here is what I found out. The guy at the bar is also credited as Nikki Leotardo. The same actor played him in the first part of season 6 during a brief sit down concerning the future of Vito. That wasn’t that long ago. Apparently, he is the nephew of Phil. Phil’s brother Nikki Senior was killed in 1976 in a car accident. Absolutely Genius!!! David Chase is truly rewarding the true fans who pay attention to detail.

So the point would have been that life continues and we may never know the end of the Sopranos. But if you pay attention to the history, you will find that all the answers lie in the characters in the restaurant. The trucker was the brother of the guy who was robbed by Christopher in Season 2. Remember the DVD players? The trucker had to identify the body. The boy scouts were in the train store and the black guys at the end were the ones who tried to kill Tony and only clipped him in the ear (was that season 2 or 3?).

Absolutely incredible!!! There were three people in the restaurant who had reason to kill Tony and then it just ends. This was Chase’s way of proving that he will not escape his past. It will not go on forever despite that he would like it to “don’t stop”. Not the fans!!! Tony would like it to keep going but just as we have to say goodbye, so does he. No more Tony and I guess we are supposed to be happy that Meadow didn’t get clipped as well (she would have been between the shooter and Tony) since she is the only one worth a crap in that family


i am laughing because you got those last 3 paragraphs from some one else.

The rumor I read is Chase liked the idea of doing a movie, but a prequel. Basically show Junior and Tony’s dads rise to power. That makes sense because then they could get some new people. Gandolfini has made it clear he doesn’t want to be Tony Soprano anymore.


i am laughing because you got those last 3 paragraphs from some one else.


yea the whole thing was a direct copy/paste, i didnt take credit for that, im not that big of a nerd


yea the whole thing was a direct copy/paste, i didnt take credit for that, im not that big of a nerd


I was gonna say the part about the car accident being genius? I was like “who the fuck talks like that?”


Viper966, I noticed the same thing. The trucker, then the two black guys the randomly walked in sealed the deal that, thats what the director was doing.
Everyone has their own opinions, I loved the ending. Its enevitable whats gonna happen to Tony (killed, arested, snitch)…so why have it happen “as suspected” in the finale?



There has never been a Nikki Leotardo, the guy in the members only jacket has NEVER been on the show before. Tony killed 1 or two of the car jackers (black guys), there were no boy scouts in the train store.

Tony isn’t dead, no one has a reason to kill him.



There has never been a Nikki Leotardo, the guy in the members only jacket has NEVER been on the show before. Tony killed 1 or two of the car jackers (black guys), there were no boy scouts in the train store.

Tony isn’t dead, no one has a reason to kill him.


umm there were boy scouts in the train store


umm there were boy scouts in the train store


go watch it

So much for the Nikki Leotardo theory. This was the first time that actor has every been in the show. Hell, it was his first time on TV ANYWHERE. He’s not even an actor. He got the part because he looked very Italian.

joestypes posted that info yesterday, no one listens to him i guess.


joestypes posted that info yesterday, no one listens to him i guess.


It’s an old habit from the political threads.


It’s an old habit from the political threads.


HAHAHAH… The irony is strong in your post.



Hehehhe… Nice.


It’s an old habit from the political threads.


el o el

Rofl @ ryan


If you didn’t have chills throughout the entire Journey song, you weren’t that big of a fan.
The whole point was that in that life, any moment could be the end.
Last episodes of the season have never resolved anything, why start now? big pussy, richie aprile, ralphie, adriana, vito, all whacked in the 2nd last episode.


TRUTH. goosebumps and chills for me.




Bump. Chase finally speaks.

NEW YORK (AP) – Just when we had made our peace with “The Sopranos” finale and moved on with our lives, David Chase has stirred things up again.

Breaking his silence months after the HBO mob drama ended its run, he is offering a belated explanation for that blackout at the restaurant. He strongly suggests that, no, Tony Soprano didn’t get whacked moments later as he munched onion rings with his family at Holsten’s. And mostly Chase wonders why so many viewers got so worked up over the series’ non-finish.

“There WAS a war going on that week, and attempted terror attacks in London,” says Chase. “But these people were talking about onion rings.”

The interview, included in “‘The Sopranos’: The Complete Book,” published this week, finds Chase exasperated by viewers who were upset that Tony didn’t meet explicit doom.

Chase says the New Jersey mob boss "had been people’s alter ego. They had gleefully watched him rob, kill, pillage, lie and cheat. They had cheered him on. And then, all of a sudden, they wanted to see him punished for all that. They wanted ‘justice’ …

“The pathetic thing – to me – was how much they wanted HIS blood, after cheering him on for eight years.”

In the days, and even weeks, after the finale aired June 10, “Sopranos” wonks combed that episode for buried clues, concocting wild theories. (Was this some sort of “Last Supper” reimagined with Tony, wife Carmela, son A.J. and daughter Meadow?)

Chase insists that what you saw (and didn’t see) is what you get.

"There are no esoteric clues in there. No ‘Da Vinci Code,’ " he declares.

He says it’s “just great” if fans tried to find a deeper meaning, but “most of them, most of us, should have done this kind of thing in high school English class and didn’t.”

He defends the bleak, seemingly inconclusive ending as appropriate – and even a little hopeful.

A.J. will "probably be a low-level movie producer. But he’s not going to be a killer like his father, is he? Meadow may not become a pediatrician or even a lawyer … but she’ll learn to operate in the world in ways that Carmela never did.

“It’s not ideal. It’s not what the parents dreamed of. But it’s better than it was,” Chase says.

And as for that notorious blackout in the middle of the Journey power ballad, “Don’t Stop Believin”'?

“Originally, I didn’t want any credits at all,” says Chase. “I just wanted the black screen to go the length of the credits – all the way to the HBO ‘whoosh’ sound. But the Directors Guild wouldn’t give us a waiver.”

And while this unexpected finish left lots of viewers thinking their cable service was on the fritz, Chase insists it wasn’t meant as a prank.

“Why would we want to do that?” he asks. “Why would we entertain people for eight years only to give them the finger?”

Why would we entertain people for eight years only to give them the finger?

LOL and no closure and some faggoty film school ending was a reward? Im sorry but 2.5 good seasons weren’t worth that shitty ending.