Sorry Im such a dick

lol all i was saying is i dont remember him being a dick…

if you want a damn pick so bad look in the october flashlight drag pics. page 15, 1st column, 4th pick down.

rising sun intake manifold? :doh:



not related?

no thats my boys gsr motor. and thats a rising sun valve cover. not intake manifold…

WHO THE FUX ARE YOU N00B :mad: :moon:

that kids a tool, he dosent represent the real washington crew. :spank:

Karl. your my boy son :mullet:


ehh whatever

how would I know :slight_smile:

stupid emo fucks :slight_smile:



just whoring through

Ahh lets all join hands and sing coombia :jerkit:

:gives: :1320:

i thought you had a 1g

wow and EMO and AW thread all wrapped up into one. What next :jerkit:

next is him telling us about how slow his dsm is or how his crank doesnt walk