dont forget the cheesey HID’s too. but. id leave it as it is, make it fast and keep it looking like an unmarked…
Not kidding, when i read the first paragraph of this thread, i thought it was the kid who had that Green P71 Cruiser, that followed us EVERYWHERE around the lot. :rofl
that kid was a fucking tool-io
Get some small cellular antennas and put a couple on the trunk. Put some lights in the back window and mount a shotgun on the dash board. That way it will look more like an unmarked cop car :lol
ooo ooo ooo get the cage too, like a legit lexan cage for the rear seats.
and lock people in it.
I’m not getting any H.I.D’s, I was just letting everybody know that he had the kits available for cheap installed.
I going to be very subtle with the car, very tasteful if you could call a Crown Vic tasteful. I guess what I mean is clean.
That kid was GREAT rofl:rofl we got him to flash his lights at some guy in a no-exhaust civic, that slowed him right down rofl
and +1,000,000 to the A-pillar spotlights
Sweet car. I’ll certainly be braking if I see it.