sotu kosoku trail max

have you guys seen this?its old but i still love watching it


^ agreed it is old

shuto expressway trials. I have all 6 :slight_smile:

still good though

ya…but still old.

i watched this again for the 5th time like 2 weeks ago. i hate to say old but its true.

its good to refresh every now and again for newcomers

yes.and there isn’t new school with out old school =D


Yeah it’s old but the cheesy acting is awesome!

The next time some guy cuts me off I will get out of my car and walk over to his car all tough and shit like I’m going to kick the shit out him and when I get up to his window I will tell him to get out of his car bacause I demand an APOLOGY!.. LOL! …that part craked me up!

nice cars with a touch of early 90’s cheese, what could be better?