Southwest Airlines Hates Amendment #1


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the shirt said FUCK on it

its offensive. do you want you kids seeing that? people find it offensive, you dont say FUCK to your mother, nor do you say it in public around children. perhaps this uneducated bitch needs a lesson in manors

i totally agree with this aspect, i would not want to see anything of that sort at all

they gave her a chance to put a shirt over it and she didnt want to

She sure is one classy broad.

the word fuck or the fat bitch? :eekdance:


agreed, surprisingly

i find it funny that they were doing a piece about censorship, and they had to censor the shirt that she was complaining that SW air wanted her to cover

if your wearing a shirt that cant be shown on public tv, you have no right to bitch

the first ammendment doesnt apply, they werent trying to censor her view on the bush administration. the complaint wasnt that its a bush shirt, the complaint was about a single word

owning a gun is legal, but you cant just walk around with it in your hand now can you ?

cry me a fucking river, and dont stop crying till your noo longer fat

lmao… well both, but i wouldnt want my kids to be seein that stuff

fatty should be walking instead of flying anyways.

What a white trash fat hole.

I think the shirt is kind of funny, but I would not be caught dead wearing it let alone buying it because it probably would offend a lot of people.


was thinking that same thing.

I want those 2 minutes of my life back. KTHXBYE

i had a shirt that was written in big bold letters:

front: FUCK YOU
back: YEAH YOU

werd :tspry:

She’s just white trash who never got attention as a child, so now she wore that shirt to get some attention knowing it would cause controversy. She obviously is stupid and has no common sense.