
hahha yea ii remember your crazy as hell

wooooooooooooo! I wish i could ride rozzos nuts.

:greddy2: :greddy2: :greddy2:

1320 could you explain how i ride his nuts? i’ve met the kid once…and this isnt the first time you’ve mentioned his name to me on here, so i have to wonder if your on his nuts?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Originally posted by UDARMY
1320 could you explain how i ride his nuts? i’ve met the kid once…and this isnt the first time you’ve mentioned his name to me on here, so i have to wonder if your on his nuts?
:owned: :owned: :owned: :owned:

Originally posted by UDARMY
what up ? its #2


next time send a pm! insted of wasting board space or the gods i mean mods will eat u!

Originally posted by whitey
who be spangler


Originally posted by UDARMY
1320 could you explain how i ride his nuts? i’ve met the kid once…and this isnt the first time you’ve mentioned his name to me on here, so i have to wonder if your on his nuts?

explain your involvment in the “UD Army” then… also, your car is what color again? Hmmmm army green you say?

Originally posted by 1320
wooooooooooooo! I wish i could ride rozzos nuts.


im sure they can find the cure for cancer floating somewhere around his nuts!

or in his hair!!!:smiley:

Originally posted by 1320
explain your involvment in the “UD Army” then… also, your car is what color again? Hmmmm army green you say?
hey 1320 is this the guy that run his mouth & not his car??:stuck_out_tongue:

someone delete this post or move it to e fighting!:smiley:


I am one of the owners of UD. My car was PRIMERED that color before i even knew about rozzo. My friend told me about it and i thought it would be a cool color.

I know the others in UD have know rozzo for a while, maybe thats where your getting this?

Originally posted by UDARMY
I am one of the owners of UD. My car was PRIMERED that color before i even knew about rozzo. My friend told me about it and i thought it would be a cool color.

I know the others in UD have know rozzo for a while, maybe thats where your getting this?

take it to e fighting!

Originally posted by 2FNFast
take it to e fighting!

Originally posted by UDARMY
I am one of the owners of UD. My car was PRIMERED that color before i even knew about rozzo. My friend told me about it and i thought it would be a cool color.

I know the others in UD have know rozzo for a while, maybe thats where your getting this?

dang dude…im just busting your balls. Lighten up. :cool: