speed of the site

has anyone noticed the forums being a big laggy lately? like it takes a while for posts to load sometimes. and no, i do not have an internet problem, as other sites load as quickly as they should, just seems to me that son loads at a dial up speed (exaggeration, but it’s still quite noticable).

Yeha i have noticed that to, i just figured it was because of my wireless, but even when im plugged in it is slow.

HEY!!! I wrote that ^ how come it put me under Guest? This site realy does have problems! …Check the sensors.

You really gotta stop calling it lag… everyone knows it’s foreplay…

been accessing the site from school for 2 weeks since rogers is gay and claims will fix my line today. speed off the site seems fine to me. :dunno:

This issue has been resolved after we moved 2GB worth of our
(SON Staff - primary iQuaBob) p0rn stash to a faster, larger server.

Thanks for your concern,


In all honesty though I haven’t had any problems with the site being slow.

I donno what you guys are talking about.