Spider Man 3

going tonight at 11:59, i was lazy and fandangoed it this morning

i might have an extra ticket now.

looks like 2 more theaters are showing it, now at 4 , at transit at 11:59

i heard it sucked from a few people that saw it already.

T-24 Hours :tspry:

i can’t wait :eekdance:

Think this movie has enough to knock off Aquaman for sales in a weekend??? :rofl:


I’m not going to see it.

I never really got into the Spiderman movies, and don’t really care to see it. Looks kind of cheesy from the previews I’ve seen on TV.


i agree with this… batman was the only good superhero movies

The only good Batman movie was the first one, and the last one (Begins). All the others were :meh:

i saw it earlier today… i give it a meh… it was ok… not as good as either of the first two… it was very pirates of teh carribean 2… not much flow, alot of humor put in for no reason at the expense of the flow of the movie… sorta funny… but alot of the characters were over written

I thought it was pretty good. it could have been better tho.

alot of drama like Ubrf… not enough action. (like a night at mighty.) vary long didnt get out of the 11:59 showing till 3am… but overall a good clean movie.

Good movie, But this is the last one right? just the trilogy?

think again.
spider-man 4


alot of drama like Ubrf… not enough action. (like a night at mighty.) vary long didnt get out of the 11:59 showing till 3am… but overall a good clean movie.


That is by far the best analogy to describe it. The action scenes were excellently done. But short, too much drawn out stuff. A solid movie though.


Think this movie has enough to knock off Aquaman for sales in a weekend??? :rofl:



i did not stay, was there anything after the credits?


i did not stay, was there anything after the credits?









That was quick… heheh