Spitzer, maybe he really is an honest guy

I have to give him big time credit for taking on his own party.


He called the vote “an insider’s game” that confirms every New Yorker’s worst impressions of what goes on in the Legislature. He said too many legislators "ask not what is right for the public or ethics or governance but, "How will this affect me? How will it affect my re-election?’ "

“The Legislature let politics and cronyism overwhelm sound judgment,” the governor said.

Spitzer saved his most pointed criticisms for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, and for Senate Republican Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno. He accused both of breaking a deal when the outcome they wanted - a legislator as comptroller - did not materialize. Silver and Bruno, he said, “showed a stunning lack of integrity that is deeply troubling.”

A politician acting based on principle and integrity? He must have an alternate agenda…

I really like this guy :tup:

Spitzer is what this state needs more of. Its so refreshing that hes behaving like an elected official should :slight_smile:

great guy, i hope he does not burn out… or get caught doing something he shouldnt.

wow… I’m shocked

an honest politician?

he did (or atleast the NYS attorney generals office) help with resolving a problem I had with T-Mobile

you guys gotta read up a little more on elliot, cause this guy is a career lawyer, that hates pretty much evertyhing we like.


He’s a straight guy as in honest/hardworking. But he is a NYC boy and agaisnt anything having to do with motorized equipment. He told my ATV club he would pretty much never allow ATV’s in state forrest’s etc…and he’s anti snowmobiling too
Dont get me wrong i think he’s great but damn the tree hugger part bothers me

he’s a california style tree hugger, hates guns, cars, sleds, bikes, quads, planes, and boats. Besides making fake, no CO2 producing camp fires and eating tofu smores, hes just no fun.

Just repeat “how big is my carbon footprint” and you will blend in

I’ll take a politician with a shred of integrity whose opinions differ from my own over a “normal” politician.

By normal I mean saying whatever it takes to get elected and then acting on behalf of whoever pays/has paid you the most.

I’m still looking for a reason, aside from general indifference, why Giambra hasn’t been run out of the county by an angry pitch fork wielding mob. Fighting the control board every step of the way? Yeah, that’s in our best interest…

T-Up to this

Good for spitzer :tup:

Now does he need the backing of his party to actually win? Is there any way this could come back to bite him in the ass when it comes time for him to run again?

But seriously :tup: to him