spring cleaning

dude im 6’1 230lbs…

Elliots about the same size as me IDK how he does it on a daily basis…

My head touches the roof if I dont get the gangster lean on, I just fit in the seats, they were acctualy quite comfy givin im a fatass…

My Knees are on the side of the steering wheel, touching it at all times…

Heal-toeing is a pain in the cock because my knees are up against the steering wheel so movement in scarce, and the pedals feel so close together my big ass feet were having some issues.

None the less was a fun ass car to drive, and I thought the speedo was broke, I felt like I was going so god damn slow, I was speeding pretty badly come to find out after I asked elliot if the speedo was off or something. IDK as far as my experiance goes, I’ve never been in a car that felt so solid cruising at ~100mph… Litteraly felt like I was doing 60, car was quiet… and was just a fun drive