SRS BZNS and Drift Hustle bring you AIS 2

Where’s pics of your brown car?


alot of people have been pooping on benny’s car. i’m giving you shit for not going to ecb sam because you were having a fit when i wasn’t going to ais. so i’m in the pics from ais as proof of me going and now your not going to ecb. lame

yeah you tell him

drifting at ais=must attend

watching drifting at ecb2=mehh

You bite your tongue

benny…what happened to us

I stole you from him :shifty

Benny met an Asian chick. She goes ass to mouth unlike you, he still loves you and is bitter over the whole situation though


you know, now that you mention it, he has been asking me for a lot more ATM lately…almost like he was trying to decide whose he liked better

Benny with an Asian!! Nice work man +1

Don’t tell Car Ramrod but I’d take some Asian flower instead of him!

thanks again for the invite :frowning:

your getting soft! your not keeping it real! should i keep going? what happened to keep drift fun or else? forget about all the grassroots drivers and events?

you can have sam’s spot he won’t show. he’s pro now…he does not support us little locals anymore.

God i hate pro drifting.

fucken Rhys Millen

i don’t mind some of the pro drivers but for srs fuck rhys and tanner foust and that stupid fucking viper!

Justin paulick and Matt Power <3

Most of the Drift Alliance dudes are pretty cool too

yea the DA guys all seem to keep it real. i liked the new kid pat modurant? i think that’s how you spell his name. also known as patty cakes! he drives a gold 97-98 240. he was killing it at wall,nj oh and he’s only 19!

oh and jtp rocks!

what you guys are doing for the sport and culture of drifting here in upstate ny is incredible… my hat goes off to you all