SRS BZNS and Drift Hustle bring you AIS 2

Here is a little teaser of my coverage of the Drift Hustler private track day.

Stay tuned.

thats acctualy a really sick picture

sick picture, I can’t wait to see the rest.

thanks for coming btw and taking some pics…hope you had a good time


Fuck I just blew my load…again

I have just finished editting the 23 pics i am going to use for the write up on VRT. I will also upload the other 262 onto an album you guys can view.

awesome pic! that is… wallaces car? i still need to further meet/differentiate between all of the drift-240 squad :lmao

yep, wallass


So Ron still waiting for the pics! I have to edit mine still.

did you go steve?

my new backround in 3…2…1…

OK OK here you go

Feature on VRT:

Check the post on my blog for the link to the full album with all 262 of the good pictures:

as always pm me with your email for super large sized pics if you want them

Hell yeah son! Never had so much fun with the car! Best weekend so far this year!

what you lack in driving, you make up for in picture taking and timely publishing of said pictures.

very nice.

but i still think you should drive.

awesome pics man

tungsten you are a dick haha

i like, i like.

now get me a drift car plz.

I wasn’t trying to be.

I appreciate he’s not lazy and posts his pictures next day, instead of like… 2 weeks later (like JD). Someone should hook him up with an DSLR.

thanks for coming out and taking pics for us. you have alot of skills! i’m def gonna get you my e-mail so i can has some big pics!

it was Teh hella funz

$4000-5000 and I’ll be driving. i have an S13 shell.

Someone also reminded me the a USDM 2jzgte swap in the lexus would still pass inspection as well. So my mind has kinda been wandering on that a little

Shooting at AIS was nice cause I could stand where ever the fuck i wanted too. Like on the track haha