Srs Bzns' sig.

and your point being …

lol steve FTW.

didn’t you hear shes dead…i mean im not even on the internet much and i know boxy is nothing new.

oh gawd, boxxy is here now?

is she really dead how?

Actually she’s only been e-famous for less than a month…so it’s still pretty new :rofl

I have no idea what boxxy is? fill me in… :smiley:

some girl who recorded videos on yootoob. link got posted on 4chan. the internet got divided in half. the one half in love with her, the other half that wanted her dead.

Basically this sweet, hyperactive, totally innocent, harmless 16 year old girl trolled /b more than any one person or thing ever has.

That and I want to kill her with my penis.

this is the internet, she is old now. after 2 days, its old.

she’d get wrecked…

yea, pretty much.

I loved boxxy…errr… I mean I love Boxxy.

There is a picture… 1 picture

i’m not gonna post the Pic on here but i’M pretty sure you can get it soMEhow

which picture is that, sir?

wow, you are completely clueless, aren’t ya?


oh did you guys know her name is Catherine Wayne

Goddamit really? :facepalm

That’s like 7 Vot :facepalm 's today.

that needs to be renamed VOT… un beleivable at how slow he is:facepalm