SRS JDM Drift C A M A R O!!!!!!!!!!!


Girls not the car…

i actually don’t mind the car haha

I’d drift it

i wouldn’t

really? i think girl with boots is hot.

The girl in the boots is hot, the other “cowgirls” aren’t.

I think she’s got a mullet


even for you this is just to much…

This thing is absolutely hideous in every way shape and form…

Theres not one good looking body panel on this thing…

The absolute only redeeming factor about all of that hideousness is that its fucking slammed…

come on BROs there is potential. Look at the few modifications i did and how much better the car looks

rice ass underglow on a drift car? hmmmm

You gave it bigger wheels, closed the door, took of the badges, and painted the handle?

and got a hotter girl in the pic :ahh

She’s the same girl, she just got an arm cut off so her boobs look bigger now.

I also took off the side vents and scalloping on the side. removed the dumb sticker or emblem on the front fender and removed the fins in the openings on the front bumper

Considering how terrible I am at this game, I’m pretty damn proud of myself considering I didn’t even have a side by side comparison. :tongue


Well it’s too late now! You already gave away all the answers! GOSH!

no I also removed the girls underwear in the second picture

You can’t even see her underwear in either picture! :lol

Ron, I’m sick of your lies!

ditch the wing, ditch the lambo doors. smooth it out for that shaved look, moar poke on the wheels and its bad ass!