SRS wisodm of the day


:lol +rep

:rofl :rofl


EDIT: Gotta spread rep



Wasps fuck shit up. I fucking hate those little motherfuckers.



wasps make zombie roaches. no joke. horrifying.

yeah i saw that when i was reading an article on real life zombies, they also do it to tarantuals

holy fuck

Its good to know we dont have any of those jewel wasps around here, thats some scary stuff.

Dread, but they only want the roaches tho. i dont think they give a shit about us

Can those ones still fly also? I see they have wings, but It didnt seem to make any attempt to fly.

They just want us to think they only go after roaches, next step is world domination

Holy shit

Ha, Im makin this a poster to put in my garage…and those jewel wasps are nuts!

Thanks dick. now I will have nightmares.

-negged becasue now I hate wasps even more.