SSmokinn is Out of Commission.

The 12 bolt sucks in f.bodies cause of the trq ARM and who,s trq ARM ya run . That and the launching load it imposses on launches destroys the pinion bearing . That’s why I went 9in

no you went 9inch because its flat out BETTER

That as well

if u set up the tq arm correctly (which slowmarrow will stress to ppl who have them!) and keep it in check on the rear end housing you will be fine…yes 9" is better no doubt, but thiers nothing wrong with 12 bolts they are just a tad bit more maintenance. nothing against drew but his tq arm had already had the same issue on the same rear, it was and has been a week link. once its fixed he will be fine.

Not only that, but John also likes saying he has had 9" in his rear.
