SSmokinn vs Mclaren Vs SSlomarro

Why would i intentionally be in the same area as you at the same time?

when you are face to face hes like a little puppy man.

Ive met him before, didnt care to see him tonight and didnt want to bring krystal up.

Can a race happen around here w/o 10 pages of internet excuses the next day?!

Nope…I don’t understand it myself, if you lost, you lost, you get more respect when you just admit to it and move on, when you start making excuses that’s when people lose all respect for that person.

Mclarens car supprised me that’s for sure . My trans was sliding horrible on a 2-3 shift . Honestly his car and mine are close on a pump tune .

Musta been the humidity

Drew u and I need a bottle run man

Nahhhhhh I handled the issue had a loose fans filter and sucking air uuuuugggghhhh


it will happen.

I think the 28’s helped out alot.

Wow… Bitchin bitchin and bitchin from smokin, typical

haha whats funny is me and some local shifters were having a convo recently about how no body likes you anymore cause your such a chode.

ok ppl new rule, this will stop all of the bitching for the most part imo…RUN YOUR CAR TO ITS FULLEST POTENTIAL, that way if you win you win. no excuses on what shot or boost level you or your opponent were at. run what you brung. roll races are gay imo anyways.

i love u

you working right now?

Sorry, that was a bit mean :slight_smile:

thanks bud

ps, dont try to be all buddy buddy when you see me next time either. Matter in fact, dont even come near me.

Greatly, same goes to you


run what you brung/built to fullest potential…then after you beat some one and they wana see where their at with different power levels, lower boost/spray or run n/a just for fun not for a “i beat you, period.” do that with ur biggest shot or boost level

Oh my lord , ya gotta give ike some props for having a car that cqn move for no moonney into it