Stadiums - 5/25

ill be there after wexford

weather channel says 0% chance of rain

last i saw was 28%. ill have the poopstang.

me and solow is hitten wexford then stadiums

where abouts do you guy’s meet at the stadiums?

general robinson street closer to Heinz Field

is that close to Heinz Field & PNC park?


so wheres these Stadiums at?

Harrisburg :rolleyes:

I’ll be at wexford after work then I’ll come down.

Kentucky, AL

im going to get my girlfriend then goin to solows then wexford i do beleive then off to the stadiums in my slow camaro

Dom and I are about to head out.

Beth and I rolled though while we were out that way. Not worth stopping.

Yeah I was out for a cruise and I rolled by there too. I didn’t see much going on.

Yeah, we drove through twice and didn’t stop. Didn’t recognize anyone.

didnt even head down def. got to make it down to the next one though.

ya we say u guys drive thru

ya we where wondering were u were

yeah, we went home and watched our cats play with a mouse like it was a toy :blue: