I had an awesome time…craaaaaaaaazy night :tup:

Next time people need strippers advanced notice would help :slight_smile:

oh man that was a blast

Where are the pictures of the titties???

Was a great time :tup: to krazyk for doin insane death defying jumps and to horsejaw’s sis for being a great first time bartender and wearing a schoolgirl outfit. But :tdown: to some un-named bitch for tackling me from behind and now i have a peice of bone floatin around in my wrist and have to wear a splint for 10 days and take propoxy Who0o0o0o0. Thanks buddy!

yeahh ppl should square off not jump from behind

Agreed all i can say about that is what goes around comes around, and also HUGE :tup: to throwin another SICK FUCKIN PARTY!!!