Stainless/Carbon steel scrap.

Looking to buy Stainless (3xx series) Or mild carbon steel.

Stainless is to be less than 1/8" thick, no less than .015"
Can be sheets, rolled pieces, whatever. I’m not picky as long as the price is right!

Carbon steel can be… anything really as long as it’s less than 1/2"
Can be Plate, bar stock, angle, whatever ya got. (no threaded rod!)
I don’t care much if it’s plate that has parts burned out of it and it’s just the crap that’s leftover and unusable, I’ll put it to use.

Also can use pipe, no larger than 12" Dia.
minimum 3/8" wall.

Just trying to grab stuff up if anyone has any laying around that is in their way.
Paying less than scrap yard prices… Because, if it’s more than that… obviously I could just go there and pick up whatever I need provided I feel like dealing with them. (which I usually don’t!)
Lowest scrap prices I can get a $.24/lb for mild and $.38/lb for 3xx stainless.

Or if anyone knows of a lower priced place that sells, that would be dandy as well.

if i don’t answer, leave a voicemail… becuase, im probably working :o

i’ve got some smaller sheets aprox 4pcs 4ft x 10" with the plastic still on them. 18 gauge 316L i believe.

When I read the title I thought that can’t be very comfortable in bed.

Hey man, some people really love stainless…

How positive are you on 316L?

should be ~26lbs if it’s 316…

need shit cheap.
cause im cheap.

anyone have some laying around?
Told my boss I’d buy ~3k lbs out of our dumpster at work for more than what they get for scrap, and he told me to fuck off. lol.
Or anyone know a cheap place to get it from?

I know I have tons of stuff at work, but its a Junkyard, and if your cheap they deff won’t sell you anything. At a minimum it would be $1/lb.

yea, you guys are pricey there for the most part.
Don’t even know what your stainless prices are, I remember the CS price was high though… and they really wouldn’t let me walk around and pick shit out.
But then again im looking for a ton and a half or so, so they might now… but meh.
Not after the attitude i got from them -.-
Except the owner was really damn nice.

Still haven’t managed to bend the 1 1/8" plate I bought from ya guys a while back thankfully. Turned out pretty great actually.

can get new stock of 304L ss at under $1/lb… So that’s no good ;p

Yea I hear ya, besides me and the owners daughter, they all have bugs up their ass about selling shit.

Looking for some 3/8" mild steel bar stock or plate.
Otherwise I’m off to find some monday.

Where the hell are you getting new stainless less than $1/lb? Seriously, let me know.