
i own the game… but my computer is to old and shitty to run it now… i suck at it but it was fun… i have the original game and brood wars if anybody wants them. pm me and let me know

alright new defense game is out

lurk d xyz

anyone wanna try and gangbang it to victory?

Shiftdead > Treads =p

Damn, give us some details of the battles

Oooo I’ll have to reinstall this, it’s been quite awhile. :slight_smile:

oh wahh wahh. He just over teched me, nothing big. I was going for epic reaver drop but I had to waste them on his hydra rush followed by his lurk drop crushing my eco. Was fun!

Anytime after 5:30 will be fun

I totally suck at this, but i’ll be around… maybe after 7ish. I need a new CDKey though… mine… isn’t that good. hehe.

I’m 100% better at wc3, but I’ll still do a M+M rush to your bitchass! Or zerg rush, or zealot rush…

I was thinking of countering with a Z rush, but i just hate rushing all together, I find it lame